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"Hello, sir," I speak kindly as I walk towards the male, my notepad, and pen in my hand. "What can I get for you?"

He looks up at me before smiling slightly at me. I take this moment to look over his features, his brown eyes piercing through my skin as he looks me up and down, his lips beautifully plump to the point of perfection, his hair blond and fluffy.

His plump lips part slightly as he goes to speak. "Strawberry milkshake, please," he says, his voice soft and sweet.

I nod as I scribble down his order and look at him once more. "Will there be anything else?"

He shakes his head before looking back down. "No, thank you."

"Alright. I'll be right back with your shake," I smile before turning away from him and walking to the milkshake machine in the kitchen.

The kitchen staff is only in charge of cooking, the waiters and waitresses are in charge of beverages as well as their normal jobs. I sigh as I begin to shove the strawberry milkshake ingredients into the machine before swirling strawberry sauce around the inner rim of the glass cup. As the milkshake finishes, I pour it into the glass, carefully spraying whipped cream on top and topping it off with a cherry.

"Here you go, sir," I smile as I set the glass down in front of him, slowly sliding a straw through the whipped cream on top.

"Thank you," he says softly as he refuses to look back up at me. He slides a bill across the counter slowly, his eyes watching his hand as it slides towards me. "Keep the change."

My jaw drops when I see how much he just tipped me - almost six times the original price of the milkshake. I clear my throat before putting the money into the cash register, sliding the extra change into my pocket. Why had he tipped me so much? Perhaps he was just too shy to wait for the change. Perhaps he didn't care about the change and I was overlooking the situation. Whatever it was, I was thankful for his kindness.


"That guy gave me the chills," Chul states as we lock the diner and head to his car. He has been my main mode of transportation over the past few days, for we always seem to have shifts together. Chul also lives only a few blocks away from me, so driving me back and forth isn't a terrible task for him.

"I think he was kind of cute," I shrug as I slide into the passenger seat of his car, closing the door and buckling myself in. He catches my attention as he looks at me with a smile spread wide across his face. "What?"

"Taishi has a crush on the mystery boy," he laughs as he shoves his keys into the ignition. "I think it's cute. I ship it."

I scoff. "We've only just met, there's no ship to ship."

He chuckles. "You're telling me that when Castiel and Dean first met, you didn't ship them at that moment?"

I sink into my seat awkwardly. "That's different."

He shakes his head. "Nope. Same thing. I ship you and mystery boy as much as you ship Destiel. Move on."

Chul pulls out of the parking lot to the diner and begins to drive towards our houses, careful not to drive too fast, for he knows already that I hate speeding. I reach for the dial on the stereo and turn it up slightly to drown out the awkward silence that has been ensued upon us. My eyes struggle to stay open as I force myself to stay awake for the ten minutes I'll be in the car, but the only thing I want to do is sleep.

"I won't be offended if you fall asleep," Chul speaks abruptly, causing my head to snap in his direction. "I'll wake you up when we get to your house."

I nod once I realize what he's saying and I rest my head on my arm, allowing myself to fall into somewhat of a nap. A loud yawn escapes my lips and I laugh at the roar I have produced, causing Chul to laugh along until the yawn is no longer funny.


"Taishi," I hear a whisper of my name and I shake myself out of my slumber to find that I'm still in the car with Chul and we're now parked outside of my house.

I stretch and turn to him. "Thank you, Chul. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bright and early, our shift starts at noon," he smiles as he grabs my things from the back seat and hands them to me. "Oh, and we work with Gyuri tomorrow."

We both groan and I get out of the car, my legs nearly failing beneath me, causing me to grab onto Chul's car to hold myself up.

"Are you okay?" His voice is full with concern as if he's afraid I'm going to hurt myself.

I nod and steady myself. "Thank you, again," I say as I bow and smile before closing the door and walking to the front door to my home. The door creaks as I open it slowly, not wanting to startle anyone out of their slumber if they do happen to be asleep.

"Taishi!" From behind me, I hear small footsteps quickly approaching, and I spin around to see my younger sister standing behind me.

"Yumi, you should be sleeping," I tell her as I pick her up. "It's nearly eleven."

She pouts and then nods, agreeing. "I know, but mom is working late, so no one was here to put me to bed."

"No babysitter?"

"She left like an hour ago."

As I carry Yumi upstairs to her room, I feel my blood boiling with anger as I imagine what could have happened if she had been left alone for longer than she already had been. "Remind me to hire a new babysitter."

She nods. "I'll remind you in the morning," she yawns. "We need to sleep."

"You want a story tonight?" I ask as I gesture towards her bookshelf, yawning as I look at them.

"Go to sleep, Taishi," she insists. "I'll be fine. Just make sure to turn the nightlight on."

I salute her with a smile before tucking her in and walking to her nightlight, turning it on and watching the pink light shine throughout the room. As I leave the room, I close the door only slightly, ensuring that it's open to the point where she's still comfortable.

"Goodnight," she whispers loudly as I begin to walk away from her room.

"Goodnight, Yumi," I whisper back before walking into the attic, my body quickly collapsing onto my bed, my eyes fluttering shut.

As I drift to sleep, the only things I can think about are the mystery boy, his soft blond hair, and plump lips. All things that have been stuck in my mind since I laid eyes on him. All things I only hope to see again someday.

Milkshake Boy | pjmWhere stories live. Discover now