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"Do what?" I ask, looking at him with confused eyes, wondering how I even managed to let him into my house. "Why are you sorry?"

Before he can even speak, and before I can even tell what's happening, Chul has me thrown over his shoulder, and he is carrying me out the front door of my house.

"Jimin!" I squeal, my arms and legs flying back and forth as I try to escape the man's grasp. "Jimin! Help me!"

My screams are ineffective, for I've already been thrown into the trunk of Chul's car. I've already been locked in the dark, cold box in the back of his car. Knocking on the hatch is useless, he can't hear me even if I scream. Even if he could, people on the streets couldn't be able to hear me, I'm screwed at this point.


Light overtakes my vision, and I can't help but squint at the blinding beams. I look around, I have no idea where I am, not even one clue as to where I could be located. 

A sound booms through my left ear, and I quickly snap my head in that direction.

"Chul?" I ask once my eyes adjust to the figure standing on the other side of the room. "Chul, where am I?"

"I can't tell you," he growls, his tone of voice causing me to jump.

I go to move toward him, but my movement is pointless, I've been tied to a chair. The wood is cold against my skin, cold against my thighs.

My eyes widen, and my whole body freezes. The chair shouldn't be cold against my thighs, I wore Jimin's sweatpants this morning. 

Hesitantly, I look down, my eyes widening as I notice the lack of normal clothing on my body.

I've been tied to a chair, wearing nothing but my underwear and a bralette.

"Chul," I say shakily, my head moving gently in his direction. "Where are my clothes?"

Chul doesn't respond, he only moves his head in the direction of a couch on the other side of the cement room. He looks back down at the table in front of him, his hands working on something outside of my view.

"Chul, please," I plead breathlessly, my hair falling gently over my face. "You don't want to do this."

"You shut up!" He yells, his angered voice causing tears to form in my eyes. 

Standing up from his spot, he grabs a bucket off of the floor, carrying it to me. Before I can even fathom what is happening, my body is drenching wet with ice cold water.

"Chul!" I screech, my teeth chattering from the temperature of the water.

I blink away the water from my eyes and open them to see Chul staring at me with a smirk on his eyes, his tongue poking out to lick his lips.

I don't bother to ask him why he's staring, I decide to figure it out myself. My head tilts down and, to my horror, my white bralette and matching underwear have turned completely sheer due to the water, exposing both my nipples and my pubic hair.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I cross my legs, for hiding my crotch is the only thing I can do while being tied up.

Chul groans. "You're all mine," he says, stepping toward me. "I can do anything I can't to you."

I pull against my restraints, screaming as I do so. "Get away from me!"

As I'm flailing in my restraints, my leg flies and hits him directly in his crotch, his body hunching over in pain. He sucks in a deep breath before standing up again, his hand coming forward to smack me in the face with full force.

"I'm only gonna punish you more, honey," he says in a low tone, his hand caressing my face in the same place he just smacked. "You asked for it."

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