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"So," Jimin says as he taps his fingers together, unsure of how to continue the conversation in order to have the both of us talking. His teeth pull his plump lower lip into his mouth for a moment before letting it out, his eyes roaming around the table awkwardly. "This is awkward."

I smile. "It's only awkward because you said it's awkward."

He shifts awkwardly in his seat and bites his lip again, uncomfortably searching for a topic to pull us out of our awkward situation.

"So, what made you want to take English?" I ask, taking his uncomfortable state into consideration.

His shoulders drop as if a huge weight had been lifted off of them. "Someday I wish to travel, and I would like to be able to speak to others on my own rather than using a translator," he smiles brightly at the thought before looking at me and resting his head on his small and cute hands. "What about you? What sparked your interest in English?"

"I've been learning English my whole life," I smile, playing with my fingers. "My father was Japanese-American, and my mother is Korean, so I grew up around the three languages."

"I'm sorry for asking," he lowers his voice before leaning on the table so he's a little closer to me. He looks at my hands before looking back into my eyes, his eyes full of worry. "But what do you mean your dad was Japanese-American?"

"It's fine," I shake my head. "He went to jail when I was a little girl - I think I was six, maybe. I've been with my stepdad ever since."

"Stepdad?" Jimin pauses for a moment before shaking his hands. "You don't have to answer."

I chuckle lightly. "My stepdad married my mom around eleven years ago, and two years after their wedding, they had my sister," I take a shaky breath. "It was all a misunderstanding. He didn't do anything."

Jimin places his hand on mine, stroking the back of my hand softly with his thumb. "Everything's okay," he speaks softly. "Everything will be okay, Taishi."


Jimin runs ahead of me and opens the passenger door to his car before waiting for me to get in. As I'm putting on my seatbelt, he closes my door and runs around the other side of the car to open his and get in.

"Where to next?" He asks as he slips his key into the ignition and starts the engine.

"We could study at my house?" I suggest with a shrug as I pull my phone out of my pocket. I scrunch my nose as I see a text from my stepfather.

"What's the face for?" Jimin asks, his face scrunching into the same position as mine.

"My stepdad needs me to watch my sister," I say as I throw my phone back into my pocket, ignoring the text.

"I guess we're going to your house, then," he chuckles as he pulls out of the parking lot and begins to follow the directions I give him in order to get to my home.


Jimin and I walk through the front door of my house, him following slowly behind me as to not scare my sister. I stand in the doorway awkwardly, wondering where everyone is, and why the house is so silent.

"Yumi?" I yell throughout the house, calling desperately for the young girl. "Yumi this isn't funny."

I run up the stairs and into her room, searching through her things and checking in any spots her small body can fit. I stop and begin to breathe heavily, my eyes watering at the thought of my sister missing or being kidnapped.

Jimin runs to me just as I stumble over, his strong arms catching me moments before I hit the ground. He holds me close to his body, smoothly running his fingers through my hair.

"Shh," Jimin whispers calmingly. "We'll find her."

At his words, more panic sets in and I can't help but allow the tears welling in my eyes to fall down my cheeks.

"Where the fuck is my sister?"

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