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My lawyer calls me to the stand, my heart racing rapidly as I approach the bench, stopping in front of Jungkook as he holds a bible in his hands. He gestures to the book with his eyes, but waits to speak. I place my right hand on the Bible, and look into Jungkook's eyes awkwardly.

"Do you swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you, God?" Jungkook asks, his voice serious, but his eyes holding completely different emotions.

"I do," I say with a slight nod, my eyes struggling to move away from his.

"Please be seated," he quickly spins and stands where he was before, his hands folded behind his back as he watches me closely. I clear my throat before walking to the bench, sitting down, gently watching my lawyer approach me.

"Miss. Choi," she speaks, her hands entwining across her stomach. "When you showed up to your third period class three days ago, how did you know Mr. Park was in potential danger?"

"As I walked into class that day, everyone began to stare at me as if they knew something was wrong," I say as memories of their expressions flash inside my mind. I shake the thoughts away and continue speaking. "They all looked terrified."'

My lawyer nods. "How did you know that Mr. Park was in the gymnasium?"

"As I was looking at the group of terrified students, wondering why they were looking at me the way they were, a boy at the front gestured for me to approach him," I say, recalling the event in my head as if it were happening all over again. "He told me that Alice was back, and she had taken Jimin out of the room, but he didn't know where."

"And how did you find him?"

"The girl next to him saw Alice take Jimin to the music room, so that's where I went," I say with a blank voice, no longer full of emotion after nearly reliving the event. "I approached the room, but they weren't there. A kid in the back looked scared when he saw me, I knew he knew something. That's when he told me that Alice took Jimin to the gym."

My lawyer nods at me and smiles gently before turning to the judge. "No further questions, Your Honour."

She winks at me before spinning around, as if she has something planned, something I am unaware of. The moment she sits down in her chair, Alice's lawyer springs up from her chair and approaches the bench, her eyes filled with angry determination as she looks at me.

"Miss. Choi," she says, her voice coming out as a growl. She clears her throat, pretending she had something caught in it, and continues speaking to me. "When you entered the gymnasium, in exact detail, what did you see?"

"I hadn't entered yet when I saw her in the gym, I was standing outside the doors. Upon entering, I called to her, asking her to free my boyfriend," I explain in a soft tone, trying to ignore the immense hate this woman has toward me.

She raises an eyebrow in a cocky tone, only an action I can see. "Why did you ask her to free Mr. Park?"

This bitch doesn't even know the story.

"Alice was holding Jimin with her arm wrapped around his neck," I say, trying not to sound angry.

"And you said he's your boyfriend?" She asks, gesturing to my neck. "I suppose those hickeys are from him?"

From over her shoulder, I see my lawyer stand up again. "Objection, Your Honour, the relationship is irrelevant."

"Sustained," the judge sighs, clearly tired of Alice's lawyer asking me irrelevant questions. "This is your last warning."

Alice's lawyer glares at me. "In your statement, you said that Alice stabbed you," she says, reminding me of the stab wound I had somehow almost forgotten about. "Is that correct?"

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