chapter 3 - a new home

Start from the beginning

A doting newly married man could not be seen in a strip club on his wedding night.

And I was curios, what was this 'wife' of mine doing anyway?

Probably thinking of a way to kill me in my sleep I thought, so I said goodbye to Richard , downed another whiskey, relishing the burning sensation as it passed down my throat and walked back to my room, unsure what to expect when I opened the bedroom doors.


Victorias POV

It was almost 11.30pm by the time we got to the mansion that I was supposed call home for the next three years. The drive from the main gate to the house was at least 10 minutes long but it was a drive well worth it. The mansion was lit up in all its glory and I sat in awe of its beauty as the car approached t.

It was huge, bigger than I could have ever imagined. How could one guy live alone in such a big house?

The car stopped a set of marble stairs and a well groomed middle aged man opened the door and helped me out.

' Welcome to the Malhotra Mansion ma'am.' He said and I was ushered into the house and up a massive flight of stairs, and into the biggest bedroom I had ever seen in my life. The old guy moved quickly and I found myself just about running, holding up my long skirt as much as I could to keep up.

" Master Phillip will be here to join you shortly ma'am. Please make yourself comfortable. Your belongings are in walk in wardrobe," indicating to two large doors on the far right on the room and the ensuite . "I will be here at exactly 9am to take you on the tour of the mansion. Breakfast will be served at 8am" he bowed politely and closed the doors softly.

The bedroom was extremely stylish, the decor modern and the colour scheme well balanced, whoever designed this room had very good taste. To the left of the doors was a three piece sofa set with a coffee table and to the right was a huge super king size four poster bed with elegant drapery and sheets. A young lady brought my suitcase in and I tucked it to the side.

What was I supposed to do?

This was certainly bot what I had expectee? Wasn't there supposed to be a welcoming ceremony?

Perhaps I had watched too many Bollywood movies with papa... but I certainly never expected this.

This trearment was cold and uncaring.

Was I supposed to go and sit on the bed, head covered by my veil , waiting for my husband like in the Indian movies?

Was I really expected to give it up to a stranger on the very first day I had met him? Was this really how I would lose my virginity?

I didn't even know what he looked like, how old he was, a sudden panic gripped me, what if he was an old obese pervert? I could still run, couldn't I? No I would never make it, not in these clothes! And then what would happen to my parents? If I tried to run again it would kill my father.

I sat on the swan seat was rested my head on the arm, and closed my eyes for a moment, trying to clear my thoughts and calm myself, it had been a long and exhausting day .

My head ached, my legs were sore and by body was tired beyond belief.

Tears started to fall from my eyes as the hopelessness of my situation set in, and despite the ethereal beauty of the room, I felt a alone and abandoned, my heat ached as I realised that already, I desperately missed my family.

I'll just rest a moment, I thought to myself, closing my eyes again and resting my head of the sofa arm, just a moment, and I feel into a deep sleep.


Phillips POV

I didn't know what to expect when I opened the bedroom doors, I certainly had hoped that this young girl would have been more receptive towards me, at least talk to me.

Maybe this was a bad idea.

Maybe I should have listened to Standford, the butler, and kept her in a separate room.

But I couldn't, gossip spreads fast and if word got out that this marriage was a sham, even though it was, it could jeopardize my mothers business deal. For perceptions sake, I needed to make sure we played the happy married couple act.

I guess I expected her to be sitting on the bed, perhaps crying into a pillow, or sitting demurely awaiting my entrance.

I laughed to myself, the whiskey must really be doing my head in, more likely she would have been waiting behind the door, waiting to make her first break for freedom, or would have tried to climb down the balcony.

Not that she would have gotten very far.

I didn't expect to see her asleep on the sofa, still in all her wedding finery, her breaths deep and even. She was obviously exhausted.

The bags under her eyes indicating that she hadn't slept well for a long time. For the first time that night, I took a proper look at my new wife. She was slim, with thick shiny black hair. She had a nice shaped face with beautiful features. With all the makeup on she looked like a living doll, and I wondered what she looked like without the layers of muck on her face.

I hoped she was just as beautiful. I didn't expect to feel anything when I looked at her tear streaked face but suddenly I felt bad for her. Her parents had gotten into so much debt and she was the one paying the price.

Shit, I thought to myself, as I looked at the way she was sleeping. She couldn't stay like that the whole night.

I went to the bed and pulled back the covers, and stopped, this felt so wrong, the only woman who had been in this bed with me was my Angela, this was her place, but Angela was long gone and this girl needed to sleep in a proper bed, so I went back and scooped up the sound asleep girl.

Shit she weighted a tonne! I thought as I struggled with the masses of fabric of her outfit, the beads and crystals dug into my skin, and I managed to waddle back to the bed, placing her gently in it and covered her with the comforter, surprised that she hadn't woken up, glad that she hadn't.

I took a quick shower, took another drink and lay on the other side of the bed, keeping a respectable distance between us, and allowed my own fatigue and the alcohol seduce me to sleep.

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