I heard her scoff before mimicking what I said,"Move on."

I turned around to look at her,"Yeah, it's just like- it....it meant so much to everyone, finding her you know? And then-" I stopped myself from continuing as I pointed out the window at the now empty barn.

"So how you'll just move on?"

I put both my hands now, my eyes making their way back to her now sitting figure,"If we can, I mean, we've lost other but...this is,well, this is Sophia." She nodded in understanding before looking down at her hands, "This whole group, this is different."

With a sigh and red eyes she looked up at me,"So what happens now?"

I crossed my arms as I responded,"We bury her, with your stepmom and your stepbrother.."

She blinked multiple times to get rid of the tears threatening to spill from her eyes,"And then?"

I stayed silent, uncrossed my arms and slowly made my way to her before placing my hands on her head and softly kissing her forhead,"I dont know...."

( Carl POV )

I was sitting on the ground with my mom, starting at all the bodies but my eyes on focused on one, Sophia. Y/N must feel responsible for this, maybe that's why she ran off. I looked at my mom,"I thought I could find her,like maybe she was just hiding somewhere in a cave or a tree,she'd be safe. Waiting for us, and I'd find her and bring her back.." My mom could only stare at me with an unreadable expression so I turned back to focus on Sophia. "He did the right thing, shooting her like that. I would've done it too."

Looking back at her I saw her frown deepen, with a sigh she looked up,"Dale?" He glanced over at his name,"Could you take Carl up to the house?" I looked at her jot understanding and she simply kissed my forhead,"I want you to rest."

"Ok," I mumbled before getting up and walking next to Dale towards the house, that's when I noticed that Daryl had walked out of the RV.

Last I saw, Carol had run in there after while Y/N ran into the woods, I looked around quickly to see if Y/N had returned and thats when I noticed that Shane was gone too. "Dale, can I go see Carol?"

He nodded and after leading me a hit he left to who knows where, I quickly ran up to Daryl,"Do you know where Shane is?" He raised an eyebrow but then pointed at the woods, I cocked my head to the side in confusion,"Why would Shane follow Y/N?"

His head quickly turned to face the woods, before pointing at me,"You stay here ."

I stuck my tongue out at him as I looked for a hidden knife that I had borrowed from Y/N before racing after Shane figure,"No way,I'm coming."

He sighed and rolled his eyes at me, but didn't tell me anything else, the second we heard a gun go off though we both froze. Y/N? Shane?

( Your POV )

I heard someone's footsteps coming my way but I wasnt exactly in the mood to move or even open my eyes, but once my nose caught their scent I stood up from the floor. "What do you want Shane?" He made no move to speak, but he did continue to walk closer, why can't he just leave me alone? When his feet finally stopped walking I expected him to say something but all I heard was silence, annoyed I finally opened my eyes,"What the fuck do you-"

I don't know how I reacted in time, but next thing I knew my hand had moved his gun from my forehead to the tree behind me, a fresh hole now in the tree. All I could do was glare at him. With a blank face he muttered, "You moved."

"No really? I couldn't tell," I had lowered my hand not thinking he'd try anything again but I felt his push the gun against the center of my forehead. "I guess I got my answer, you love me."

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