A Special Kind of Revenge*

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Piper had won her title of Head Aphrodite Counselor through intimidation and word play. She'd been able to force Drew to step down from her position after her first quest with Jason and Leo. Drew was not happy about giving away her sense of power over her fellow campers, but the other children of Aphrodite were overjoyed. They'd hated Drew and her twisted ways of running the cabin.

When Piper took over as Senior Counselor, she decided she'd treat her siblings with fairness and respect. The way Drew ran things was deeply flawed and could almost be considered cruel.

That's why, when someone did something wrong, they were simply spoken to. A firm talking-to and a hug was all it usually took to get Piper's campers back in line.

All except for Drew, that is. Drew was overly determined, almost obsessed, with showing Piper that she didn't respect her leadership. She found little ways to rebel against the head counselor; going over her time limit in the bathroom, leaving trash on the floor, spraying too much perfume so the entire cabin and everyone in it smelled like Chanel No. 5. She did anything she could to try and make Piper loose her cool so her siblings could see that maybe "Miss Member of the Famous Seven" wasn't so perfect after all.

One day after a particularly nasty fight between Drew and another camper, Piper decided she needed a better type of disciplinary action than a simple lecture.

"Drew, you've left me no choice," Piper said, slowly making her way to the black shelf on the wall across from her bunk.

Drew raised a perfectly plucked brow. "What are you going on about, now?"

Piper grabbed the ugly, white orthopedic shoes off of their shelf. The campers surrounding her, including Drew, backed away as if she'd just picked up an active explosive device.

Piper turned towards Drew and held the shoes at arm's length. "You've been sentenced to a week in the Shoes of Shame."

Suddenly Drew's demeanor changed from one of defiance to one of fright. The children around her gasped and murmured excitedly.

Drew shook her head. "You...I...You can't make me!"

Piper, in an attempt to look intimidating, threw her head back and laughed casually. "Oh, yes I can."

"I'd like to see you try!" Drew spat back.

"Alright, then. Campers, cover your ears. None of you deserve what Drew has coming."

The members of the Aphrodite cabin covered their ears and began humming to themselves. They'd encountered Piper's charmspeak before and knew how powerful it could be. None of them wanted to hear what she was about to make Drew do.

Piper concentrated, forcing as much power as she could into her words. "Drew, you will wear these shoes for the next week. They may only be taken off for showers and sleep. Understood?"

Piper had to give Drew credit. She resisted better than most, putting off any sort of reaction to Piper's words for several seconds. But, finally, Piper's words won out.

"Understood." Drew immediately stripped off her ever so fashionable flats and tugged on the horrific sneakers.

Piper signaled to her other siblings that it was safe for them to put their hands down. "Now, siblings," she said to the crowd, "Do we understand what happens when we're mean to one another?"

Many of them giggled. All were wearing huge smiles, happy with the fact that Drew was finally given a taste of her own medicine. "Yes, Piper," they all replied at once.

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