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Abandoned Warehouse,

I gasped, yet again. It was impossible. Bittersweet really. But, I knew what I'd seen. I knew of fear more than I ever had before. Of course, everybody had fears, otherwise we'd be perfect. And I personally didn't believe in perfection.

Wait, I phrased that wrong, I believe in it as a theory, but not something that is achievable. If someone, or something had reached perfection, then they'd be broken, in a way, and not have anything to strive for. Infact, something with less perfection is better in my eyes, it makes them unique, like I am. Like my Mum.

My Mum... I saw her in a glass box, beating at the transparent solid, but no sound came out. The cuboid was slowly filling up with water, and my Mother was stuck inside it with pure terror plastered onto her tear stained face. I beat on the glass, ramming into it with my shoulder, but it wouldn't break.

All sense of self preservation flew out the window, not literally of course. I tried punching it, not caring if my knuckles became bloodied, in fact, not caring if they did, as long as they brought a welcome penance for what ever I'd done.

It was obviously my fault. My mind knew it was. What else?

Eventually, I gave up and slumped down on the floor, my throat too dry to cry. Instead, I sat on the cold, metal floor, my head inbetween my knees. I blocked out the sound of my mothers cries for help, and then the silence, as her head was swallowed up by water.

I wanted to cry or scream. At least let out one tear in grief. Be human. She was my mum! But, I couldn't mourn. I couldn't see her body, but the water was now tinged red with blood. Maybe the pressure had made her head crack open, and spill her blood and brains? I didn't know. All I knew was that she was dead, and I couldn't even show my sadness. I was dazed, and distressed.

A small thought suddenly popped up, through my misty haze of distress, and sorrow, it was like a beacon. I mentally reached towards it, and it whispered in my ear:

"Is this real, Scar? Would Mum really scream for help, and then just give up! And what was... Strange about her? Think Scar... Think, think, think. Where were you, before this? Hmm?"

I recalled the woman in the box, her hazel eyes, her mane of golden hair, her jade moon pendant. I groaned in frustration, recalling her mental image, over and over. I wasn't sure how long I sat there, my grief suffocating me. I could hardly choke out tears.

Again, and again, slowly sinking into a broken puddle of terror. Still, something niggled at the back of my mind. Wait. Jade. I could've sworn her necklace was blue... This was real... Wasn't it? I groaned in frustation. Reality has slipped, and so has my mental stability. And then I heard the cracking noise.

Actually, it was more of a smash. Clang! And then the scene before me disappeared, leaving me speechless. In front of me, were a load of boys. And men. And probably grandpa's too. All of them male. Great, I'd joined pervert land this time. Wonderful.

They were all clapping and smiling. I was still paralysed, and quite scared. Were these the boys that Chrissy had talked about? I just stood awkwardly, until they'd finished their conversations, and exhaled.

"Hey... I'm Scarlet. How's ummm... Life?" I laughed nervously. That was probably the best, most unawkward greeting in 3470. Yeah, I nailed it.

"Isn't Scarlet a girl's name?" One skinny, probably fifty year old man asked. He had a strange accent, that reminded me of a leprechaun. A chorus of voices answered his stupid question.

"Yeah... I'm one of the female sex. Is that confusing in any way, shortie?" I asked, my voice slow and deliberate. I wanted to see him squirm.

"But... Your hair's... Not long. And we don't really... Erm, have many of you... Members of the female sex," he mumbled, blushing. I raised my eyebrows at his predicament. He really had trapped himself between a rock and a hard place.

"What Aiden's trying to say, is you're the third girl here, and possibly going to be harassed, and gawked at. Have fun, I guess." The chocolate haired boy smiled. "There's Naomi, who is thirty-eight, and Katie who's seventy-five... And that's it. The rest of us are male, and also happen to be "evil".  That's why he's quite confused. I'm Jason, by the way." He grinned, rubbing his tanned nose awkwardly.

Jason! Finally, a name I recognised! Thank the Lord! And... Also, someone the serum ladies had said was a good ship between us.

I don't really see it. He looked about eighteen, and was friendly enough, but I was an introverted girl, who'd prefer to be curled up by the fire reading a novel, than talking to someone. Especially not someone whose really happy, and not-scarlet-like at all.

I strode off the platform, and was going to take a walk, when a boy, who looked maybe forty, walked out from the shadows, with a look on his face. You know that look, that girls get from perverts. Yeah, that look. Just wonderful.

~DreamCatz and DarkSky1910

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