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Fear Landscape
Back Alley

Thankfully Jason quickly stepped in, giving me a skittish smile.

"That's Dante. He....Well, he likes female company more than he should. And not in a good way." He laughed. I gave a brisk nod and pushed down the sickened feeling in my stomach. I'd always hated girls being looked at like that. Like prey.

If I could learn anything from being evil, at least I could learn to fight. Villains can always fight, otherwise the hero would just be bored. Logic, obviously.

"I honestly feel like I'm Wendy out of Peter Pan." I sighed, remembering the old film, mum had shown me. It was against the law, but she wanted me to be educated. Obviously Jason knew of the story too, as he grinned. "This might as well be some crazy reverse version of Neverland. If Captain Hook owned Neverland. I mean, I haven't seen any clocks," I joked. Jason took a step forward and extended an arm.

"There are clock's. Promise. We have our own Captain Hook, who was scared of the annoying little tickers. We use the fears to our advantage. Umm, hey, Scarlet, let me show you around... I can show you the clocks," He smiled warmly. I took his hand and jolted at how cold it was. We walked around what seemed to be a tree house. But how did trees grow here?

"One of the boys has a fear of trees. So we used them to make a central hub.  Some people have crazy fears. I swear someone had a fear of wool. Because one day we woke up and wool was everywhere. I hope you won't mind sleeping in a hammock since thats all we have. I am afraid the only room left is with me and one of my friends." He babbled. I glanced at the many people working, eating, playing and talking. They seemed so happy. Yet how could a place like this even possess the power of happiness. I couldnt help but smile. If they could survive, so could I.

We stopped outside a faded red tent. He turned to face me and studied me from head to toe.
"You can't go around in this! Let me call Katie to fit you with some "leather wear" as she calls it. Fancy schmancy word for clothes. She's seventy something, and still more energetic than some of the boy's." He laughed. Then a cruel smirk arose onto his lips.
"So for now you'll have to walk around naked. Is that alright?" He giggled. I knew he was joking. Partly because he couldnt stop laughing like a child who had just poked someone,  and found it extremely hilarious. Not that I'd ever poke somebody. I'm most lady-like and would never curse or say shit about anyone. Heh. It was always just Mum and me, and she wasn't really a lady herself.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say." I said sarcastically. Then a frown arose onto my face.

How can you be so nice, yet be destined for evil?" I asked. My curiosity edging out in my voice. He was quiet for a moment then a sort of sad smile formed on his lips.

"I have had to do alot of things for this camp. I have had to conquer fears which were not my own and have had to suffer with the account of countless deaths. Yes, you can die here. The very definition of death is letting your fear beat you. So I am very much a part of evil. And so are you. You might not know it. But you are" He growled. But somewhere in that speech was a broken man. A broken man who blamed himself for others actions. No not a man. Really, only a boy, with the weight of the world on his shoulders.

"I cant fight. God I can barley hold a pencil. How will I be of any good. You may as well just dump me out in the open and wait for my fear to come." I snapped. It came out harsher than I had intended. But I meant it.

Jason shook his head, and then showed me the rest of the camp. There was alot to see. They used a lake as their pool. Used tents and a massive tree with different sections as their homes and crafted wepons with metal that was in the base of said lake.

To get to our room we had to pull a rope hanging from a branch and wait until a small square of wood came down. We then had to pull the rope again and then shoot up. Getting down was another story. You had to climb down using the rope. Then when you were half way you had to jump down.


Fear Landscape,

Scarlet's New Home,     

I walked into the small room. It was fitted with one window which had a medium sized crack and a small table littered with knives, food and books. I traced my fingers along the wall as I walked forward.

"Its not much, but we call it home." Said Jason. I couldnt help but smile, at its homey feel.

"This one is yours." He said quickly. He pointed to a red hammock with little lotus flowers painted on the outside. I let out a soft laugh as a jumped onto it.

"Its comfy." I smiled. He laughed and sat on his own bed.

"I thought you only stayed in the serum for a couple of hours. I never knew that six-six-sixes were kept down here for years. Forever..." I whispered, almost as quite as the wind.

"I guess we are all just monsters. Just glitches, errors, malfunctions that roam somewhere between reality and this." He sighed. But I couldnt stop thinking of questions. What made us so dangerous? And how was. I going to get out? Then the door burst open. A black haired boy stood in the doorway, looking kind of shocked at my existence.

"Umm, what are you doing in my room?"

By: DreamCatz and DarkSky1910

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