CHAPTER 19: Warmth

Start from the beginning

And he was hungry.

A couple of hours passed and he could hear the weeping of the breeze outside and the rain that is pummeling the roofs. The storm is coming by.

He groaned. His teeth chattering, he rubbed his palms together to create friction as he crouched on the rice hays. His long legs sticking out and his red hair brushing on his forehead. He doesn't have blankets nor thick clothes to at least prevent the cold to sip in through his bones.

He knew that among the four towers they're in, only Baekhyun thought to put rice hays in the floor to at least make the surrounding less colder. And he's the only one who broke the rules and scavenge all the goods on the nearest and only house a kilometer away there for blankets, thick clothes, and a bunch of canned goods and utensils.

Hissing, he brought his legs to stand. His ego eating him. He gives up. He's soaked in melted snow a while back and he's now hungry. Besides he's feeling numb and cold already.

He decided to go upstairs thinking that Baekhyun has probably gotten into sleep.

But he was wrong.

Because the time he reach the last staircase, he flinched when he saw Baekhyun pulled his Katana and alarmingly made an offensive position towards Chanyeol.

Baekhyun sighed silently when he realized its just him. He lowered his weapon and looked at how Chanyeol is pitifully shivering.

"Are you still going to ignore me?" Chanyeol sighed in defeat. It's been days. They just can't go around like this.

"I just lost my temper that day, you know that I just care for you right?" Chanyeol hissed as he clenched his jaw. Those words coming from his mouth shattered his ego.

"You should rest," Baekhyun spoke in a low tone voice. This was the first time Baekhyun spoke to him.

It slipped into his mind that he's not supposed to be talking to him but the passed days that they're not having a conversation, he saw how Chanyeol really took the edge to take responsibility despite that his wound on his abdomen hasn't been fully healed yet.

"I'm alright," Chanyeol answered as he slithers his wet back on the wall behind him near the stairs.

"Finally, you've uttered a word." He commented as he shivered silently.

After that, Baekhyun didn't respond anymore. He didn't remark as he hugged his body in search of warmth. His head is getting heavy and dizzy but he ignored it.

He thought that Baekhyun is probably gonna ignore him anyway so he didn't bother to expect anything more. Baek tucked Luhan and Taehyung with a thick blanket quietly while the two snuggled together, giving a peck on both of their foreheads. Jungkook is beside Taehyung in the far left, his arm rested behind his head, and used it as a pillow. He also had thick clothes and a blanket. Chen and Tao snuggled together as they also shared one thick blanket. He then realized that they are all stuck up in the small area for body heat. And they all have blankets.

Everyone was dead tired for the final preparations for the winter.

They are also under a mosquito net with rice hays on top of it. He also realized that they had their pillows made of hays and a huge comforter under them, separating them from the cold cemented floor.

Guilt surged through Chanyeol realizing that this was all Baekhyun's work and effort. And the boy had nothing but a bruise on the arm and hurtful shoutings coming from him.

"You're soaked," Baekhyun stated. A bunch of blankets and jackets on his arm.

Chanyeol looked up dizzily distracting him from the bad feeling coiling in his gut as he felt guilty. Pride shoving down his throat.

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