Chapter One: Off To College

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Once I was a seven year old witch wishing to become like my mother the famous Mavia Williams I'm just about to get up for school and start learning more basic training on how to be a better witch. "Madric,..." "sweetheart please open up you're eyes it's time to get going for a new school day and year, this year you will be learning a lot of different witch spells and continuing on and becoming more of a better witch." Madricia is in a deep sleep and slowly opens her eyes and starts to stretch her arms over her head and yawns and is starting to get out of bed she gets up and says. "Mom it's literally 5:00 am, and I thought witch school started in a couple more weeks I'm very confused right now." Mavia pauses and stops and thinks for a minute. She starts pacing back and forth to think of what day it is and suddenly that feeling of feeling overly exhausted and overwhelmed fades away. "Oh my gosh I just realized there's still two weeks left of summer, I can't believe I woke you up at this hour honey go back to bed and get some sleep." "Yes mom that would be a great idea." Madricia starts slowly walking back over to her bed crawls into bed and pulls the sheets over her and puts her head down on the pillow.  (Three days later while still on summer holiday.).  Madrica's mom reminds her that they need to go shopping for material's for her witch school days. Madricia and her mom go on a shopping spree, and go to different familiar near location's they know and where they know to buy good stuff for madricia to work with.  One of the store's is called Mister Scheefa's Potion and Spell's. "Mom." madricia says as they are walking into the store. "What Madric?" "I 'm not sure what to buy and this guy we don't even know him."  "Madricia that's ok I know, beware of stranger danger and I know Mister Scheefa he mentored me in witch school when I was you're age you have no reason to worry about him not being trust worthy." "Yeah mom, I mean I guess you're right since you know him, there's really no reason why I shouldn't politely introduce myself and go look around the store." "That's the spirit." Mavia says giving Madricia a nod of encouragement with her head. Once they are inside, Madricia see's shelves and shelves of spell books, potions and glass bottles with many different items inside that's beyond her comprehension. She walks into aisle one with her mom and this lady appears out of nowhere. "Hello I'm Shalanka and I'm one of the people who works at this store what can I help you guys with today?" "Well me and my daughter, are looking for certain types of materials to help her get started on her first year of witch early training school." "My dear what is you're name?" "Madricia ma'am." Shalanka makes her way over to aisle 1 and there is a big large array of the same potion bottles of all different colors, rainbow , blue there is bug eyes, and frog eyes and so many more things. "Oh my gosh, look at all these different types of things you can do with spells, and potion's, and oh my gosh look at all the bottles!" "I can't wait to experiment with all of these items mom, and try unique spells that are out of the witcheverse."  "Yes just be aware honey, you need to make sure you actually practice and take this seriously it's not going to take a day for you to get good at this, and when I was you're age that was my one of my goals, and I had to work on my patience levels." "Ok you guys can browse around and let me know if you need help with anything." "Thanks we appreciate you're help we will take that into consideration." Mavia says dismissing her in a polite way to show her respect. She goes in the opposite direction and starts walking to another area of the store, to help other customers attend to their other needs. They get all the potions, they need. and frog eyes, and twito's. (A couple weeks later.) Her mom says to her "Madricia get up and let's get going on our broom so we can get you to 1st you're first of witch school after you eat some yummy scrambled eggs." 'Yeah mom I'm just waking up and it will take me some time to get up, and scrambled eggs sound disgusting." "Young lady you need you're nutrients and eggs have protein, and you need milk and eggs, for you to have strong bones and teeth." "Now you can't leave this chair until you have finished all the food on this plate is that understood?" and also you're milk." Mavia says to Madricia as she places her glass of milk next to her eggs down by where Madricia is sitting. Madricia nods her head and stubbornly agrees, and picks up her fork and starts eating her eggs and next puts down her fork and picks up her milk glass and starts slowly drinking her milk. Madricia is rising from her chair and using her hands to balance herself so she can get up, and she realizes she forgot something so she says to her mom " Mom I'm ready to go, oh my gosh I forgot to go grab my favorite wand that's better quality and my other material's for my classes for school." "I'll be back in a flash." She points to the top of the staircase where her room is up in a high treehouse tucked away high on some metal beams.  She picks up her favorite purple wand for school, and her spell books and pencils and other materials and races back downstairs. Her mom Niki is being kind of silly and does air quotes with her fingers and says "She's just like the flash but in witch form." (First Day Of School. ) "Ok students my name is Mrs. Wavenport, and I will be teaching the basic's of witch spellentry today, and you will learn a lot I'm so glad it's the first class so I can teach you of lot of good things."  Mrs. Wavenport pulls out her wand and starts making motion circle's in the air with her denim blue colored wand and says a spell "Wazakeeleea." next a bunch of books are neatly placed on top of each other on her desk where she is sitting.   The whole class begins to ooo and awe, and Madrica's  eyes light up like she's interested in what is going to happen.  "Now I want you students to try one of these levitating spells, and I will grade you're work on how well you do the spell." Madricia raises her hand and Mrs. Wavenport notices her hand went up first. "Ok we'll I guess we will have Madricia go first," Madricia raises her wand having the confidence of a young school girl, and levitate's the books by saying "Wazakeeleea." begins in an old town with red brick houses with white door's and shutters and creatures of every kind you can imagine Goblins, Witch's, Warlocks, Unicorns, Elves, and etc.) My Name is Madricia and I just got out of High school and my story begins with me getting ready to leave for college I hope you enjoy my story it will be spooktacular. My parents names are Mavia and Ezramente. "Madricia C'mon sweetie it's time to get up." Mavia called as she saw her daughter's bed empty. "What are you doing?" "I'm writing in my diary mom." "I'm all ready and everything and besides I was up an hour ago finishing my packing and I'm all ready to go!" Guess what day it is?!" "It's my first day of College." Madricia says as she continues on. "Of course I know what day it is." Madricia smiles at her mother Mavia with a mature grown up like smile. "It seems like only yesterday you were my little girl learning her first witch spells." ""Anyways so I need to go now." "Aren't you going to say good bye to your Father?" "Oh yeah thanks for reminding me I almost forgot!" Madrcia walks over to her Father who's in the backyard of their cozy abode. "Come give your Dad a big hug before you leave him for a while." "Ok Dad." Madrica's Father gives her a really tight hug while telling her he loves her. "Ok seriously Dad you could hug me a lot looser than you are." "So sorry sweetie." He loosen's his grip and they give each other a quick hug Madricia has to leave for college. "Well I've got to go love you both lots." She gives both her parents each one more individual hug one at a time. "I'm off!" Madricia says "Good luck honey!" Ezramente says next he says. "Ace all your tests!" "Yes study very hard!" her Mom says. "I will Mom and Dad I promise!" "Call me when you get there!" Mavia says with a perturbed look on her face. "Ok I will mom I promise!" "I'll need to check up on you somehow." "I'll use one of my spells and the object The glass vial to reflect with the sun so I can see you." "Ok sounds good!" "I've got to go now Mom!" "Oh and don't forget to have fun!" "I know Mom but my main focus is to study but I'll try."  "Ok bye sweetie!" "Bye Mom!" "I don't want to be late for my first day Erida  the Witch is driving me." "Oh yes I remember tell Erida her hi for me will you I went to school with her..." (Flashback.) Mavia is flying on her witch broom and is a young beautiful college witch with light brownish purplish hair and she also has light purple eyes and is just arriving to WaWaThis was the name of the college along ago. She steps off her broom and starts walking toward the entrance of the school and suddenly bumps into someone accidentally. "Oh I beg you're pardon miss I'm not sure I know you, I'm new here at GAGA and I was just walking in and I didn't see you there." "Oh you have nothing to be sorry for I was the one who should have been paying better attention in which direction I was going it's just I'm new and I really am not sure where the where about's of this school is." Mavia starts to relax and her fears subside about what is going on in her head.  Mavia's shoulder's start to loosen up, and not be as tense,  and next she speaks. "You know I  can show you around here right I am a sophomore and I am studying potions and spells." "Cool I'm studying sorcery and more advanced witch spells and things like that."  "Wow!" Mavia exclaims as she pulls out her wand which is shiny with a silver spiral and with brass edges.   "Want to be friends?" Mavia says smiling and feeling in a state of peace and relaxed mind. ""Yeah you betcha girl."  Erida  pulls out her witch related phone and puts in her contact info by snapping her finger's and the phone number immediately goes into her phone. "Wow impressive well there you have it Mavia." Madricia says waving her hand signaling to her mom that she is leaving.    "Love you bye!" "Bye Mom!" "Bye sweetheart!" "Bye Dad!" Madricia takes  the portal to Haunted Town  and Eldora drives up in her bus with a bunch of ghoul's of every kind a witch, a skeleton, a pumpkin head on a human and a ghost. "Hey who is this we got here?"
Erida  says. "I'm Mavia and Ezramente's daughter Madricia." "Huh?" "That's weird they never mentioned they had a daughter." Eldora says surprised. "Well that's okay "You and my Mom must go way back!" "Oh yeah I've known ever since I first met her when she was a witch in her teens." "Wow it makes since then!" Madricia says. "Yeah so this first bus ride is free but next time you need to pay me forty pieces of candy." "Oh my gosh!" "Is that your way of paying for things here?" "That's funny and plain awesome!" "Yeah it is rather fun!" Erida responds. "Want to hear a joke?" Erida  says "Sure!" Madrica says with a smile on her face lighting up the whole room. "What is evil, ugly and bounces?" "I don't know what?" "A witch on a pogo broom!" She laughs crying candy corn tears. "Wow haha very funny!" "Now how much farther till we arrive to the school?" Madricia asks with curiosity  if. "We have arrived!" Erida  announces in an announcer voice. "Welcome to Witch's and Warlocks Academy  Madricia!" "I hope you like it!" "Me too!" Madricia responds. "It was so hard to get into." "Good luck kiddo!" "Thanks and don't call me kiddo Eldora." "Okay!" Thanks for all the support on my other book "Soul Sisters." I hope you enjoy this book just as much Love you all XoXo

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