Chapter Eighteen: Hearing Demons Out Loud

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Kamilah begins to {stab} him in the chest. She started to {walk} away from him. He got up {pulling} out the knife from his cheat. Julian {throw} it back at her. She {caught} it all Badass like. Kamilah {thrown} it back to him as it went into his face. Julian {drops} to his knees. He knew he had to try to kill her. Even though he was no match for her. She is a powerful demon. Kamilah saw him getting back up with a knife sticking out of his face. Suddenly, the U-Haul truck hits him as he went underneath tire, crushing his skull. Bridge got out of the truck.

"What happened? I thought you were behind us with Ian in the other truck! Who was that guy?" Bridge replied.

She begins to tear up, {hugging} Bridge, tightly.

Damarah took control of her body. Bridge saw blood everywhere. Ian was nowhere to be seen. He went over by the truck.

Bridge saw Ian's body on the ground. The ex-military woman went back into the front driver's seat. She started the truck and drove off. Bridge and Damarah went to a hotel since she couldn't go through the barrier. When Damara went to sleep. Kamilah took over Damarah's body. Both started to hear demons talking more while Damarah sleeps. When she suddenly awakens and her eyes turned back. Both heard glass break, Kamilah saw two demons breaking inside the hotel rooms. They were looking for somebody. Both demons broke the window. Kamilah {lifted} the demons up with her telekinesis.

"Run, get to the truck started, now. We are out of here." Kamilah replied, in a deep voice.

"Okay, Kamilah, hurry up. We will have many more demons on our ass, soon." Bridge responded.

He goes downstairs to start the truck.

She tore them to pieces.

Bridge saw blood squirting everywhere. He realized how angry she was. Kamilah disappeared and reappeared back inside the truck. Bridge almost had a heart attack. She scared him half to death. He took off and feared Kamilah and Damarah. Many more demons were chasing after them. A few of them {jumped} on to the back of the truck, {slamming} the axes on the roof. Another tried to make it back as Bridge turned fast. The one demon on the back {slipped and landing} on the axe into his face. It flew into a business window. The few demons held on. Damarah took control back. She was so angry and her eyes stayed black. The Evilness started rubbing off on her. A few minutes afterwards demons were {jumping} in front of the car to try and stop. When Bridge {stop} the truck. Damara got out and the demons surrounded her. Bridge stayed inside not wanting to die. One strong looking demon. Pulled out him out by one hand. As he flew into a business window.

"Where is your boss, Minions? I want to know so I can tear the soul out of her. I loved him, now, if you are in my way, I will kill you all." Damarah replied, in a deep voice.

Damarah {spin kicks} the demon in the face after it went after her. The demon flew back, hitting a few more demons. Bridge found a gun. He started {shooting} at a caption of the demons. However, it seemed it was not working at all. Even toward his head, nothing. He knew that he was going to die. Damarah saw him going for bridge. She {lifted} him with her telekinesis. {Slamming} back down on a car repeatedly. Bridge is more scared, now; then he was. She is grieving in her own way. She tore them apart, demon after demon. Damara fell to the ground. Kamilah tried to come out. She was not able to do it. Bridge heard her talking to herself. He realized it was not Kamilah. Bridge put his hand on her shoulder. She used her telekinesis to {throw} him into the bushes. He got out of the bushes and {walking} up toward her again.

"Damara, what is your deal? It is me, Bridge! You going to try to kill me, also. I know you are grieving and it is effecting me too." Bridge replied.

Her {eyes} turned back to normal.

"I am so sorry, Bridge; I did not mean to do that. I just feel angry instead of sadness." Damarah responded.

"It is very understandable that you are angry about Ian's death. However, you are not yourself. Almost killing me in the process. I know you are grieving and your vendetta is either going to get me killed or other survivors if we could find them." Bridge explained.

Kamilah took over her body.

"Sorry, Bridge I had to take over. It was for her own good. I can't believe that it come down to this." Kamilah wondered.

In the back ground there were old new papers flying around. The noise of the fire from a truck exploding. Bullet holes where everywhere the town looked destroyed from all the violence. Next few minutes went by they were {walking} down the street. They saw a shadow following them. Both {turned} around, nothing. Both proceed on to their destination. Finally {turned} around again, and it was a scared little kid as the kid {faded in and out}. it was only a scared spirit. Kamilah knew the ghost from in hell or whatever place that was.

"You are that kid that kept escaping from your cage." Kamilah replied.

"You are that demon that strange lady release and in her body. Where is she at? Did you kill her? You are next to a human! So she is a sleep in her thoughts. Can you help me get to heaven? I wanted to see my parents. I been wanted to go to heaven to see them." Little ghostly boy responded.

The next moment they heard someone coming around the corner. The ghostly boy was {fading in and out}. Both followed the ghostly boy into a building as both hid. There were a lot of demons looking for Bridge and Kamilah, mostly Kamilah. They ran off thinking the two of them went the other way. She didn't want bridge to die. The ghostly boy was thinking how weird it was that a demon would be worried about a living being. Kamilah wanted him to go back to the town. She was better off on her own. Kamilah was always been on her own before dying. Even going to hell for eternity.

"Bridge, I want you to go back to the town. This is my battle for me to fight. Damarah and I, are going our own way. There is no way we can go in there, unless I leave. I Casted a spell to protect her from me killer her. So I am stuck inside her. Damarah does not want you to die. We cannot live happily ever after with you and the kids. They lost their parents and their sister possessed by someone powerful then the devil himself. Lucifer was scared of him and he was the big bad devil." Kamilah replied.

"Don't do this to me and those kids. We need the both of you. I know it's going to be hard. Maybe, I can talk to this guy and see if can try. I know you are demon. Never the less, you and Damarah saved people lives. I am not doing this with you, Kamilah." Bridge explained.

She used her {telekinesis} to move him toward the door.

"Go, Now; I will distraction them from you. The demons are only after me. Be safe, Damara said it. Get to a car and go back to the town. Ghostly boy help him out for me. I will help you get to heaven." Kamilah replied.

Kamilah went outside to distract the demons. She {whistled} out as the demons {ran} after her. Bridge went outside, now. The ghostly little boy followed him. He check every car until he found one. It started right up after hotwiring it. The ghostly boy disappeared. He drove off to the next town as passing the barrier. He {stops} the truck and get out. Bridge was hoping she would be fine. He gets back in. He see few demons running toward Him. The demons {Smack} right into the barrier. They were furious as the demons could not come in. Bridge starts smiling at them and drives off toward the town. Kamilah was on a roof {staring} at him, knowing he made it. Bridge gotten into the town. The kids came {running} as the gates opened up. Bridge fell to {knees and hugged} both kids.

"Where is, Damarah and Ian? We were worried about them too. They did not return back with you." Jayden replied.

He does not know how to tell them about Ian's Death.

"I will tell you two later. I have to talk to the owner and Rudolph. Do not have to worry about them." Bridge Reposes.

He wants to know what was going on with Damarah.

The kids still waiting on an answer from him.

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