Chapter Seventeen: Derailed

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There were at least 10 kids inside abandoned building. She was surprised a lot of them survived. Rudolph helped a couple people out. A lot of them were scared. It was barrier with bags upon bags of salt. Demons cannot go through it. They had a good idea. Damarah was worried that she could not pass through it. If they find out what she really is; they would hardly trust her. She thought it was for the others to find out. However, they understood because she sacrifices for them. Damara wanted to go back out to find something big to carry all these people inside. She got up {looking} around the room at everyone.

"Everybody, Listen up. I am going out to look for a big vehicle to get everybody out of here. There is another town that has a barrier around it. All of you will be safe there." Damarah explained.

Rudolph didn't want her to go alone. There is a lot demon's outside. Damarah knows they cannot stay there for long. Eventually, they will find all of them. If they go through other buildings. A stranger came up to her wanting to go. The stranger decided to go with, Damarah. She was an ex-military woman. Damarah did not want her to go. She could do it quicker by herself. She was determined to go. Damarah knows that she has some skills with hand to hand combat. After Rudolph removed the salt from the door way. They both went out as the one local, knew where an all eighteen-wheeler were at. It was a couple of miles. She knew that the school bus where down and they do not have a greyhound bus stops. Meanwhile, Bridge saw a couple People {running} by. He notices it was Damarah. The demons were {running} toward, both of them. Bridge went outside after the demons left. He went back to the others to make plan to find her. Bridge explained what he saw earlier.

"Guy's, I just saw Damarah, and another strange girl with her." Bridge replied.

"Why you did not say anything? We could have called for her!" Ian responded.

"There were demons on her trail. I do not know how many there were." Bridge explained.

After Bridge explained to them. They finally planned to save Damarah and this strange woman. The army guy was wondering about his caption. If he had made or not. Because, he was not with Damarah. After an hour or so went by, all three could not find her or that stranger with her. They went back the other way, thinking both turned around to go back. Dodging demon after demon. Meanwhile, Damarah and the stranger {ran} until both arrived at the place. There were no eight wheeler in sight. Demons from all side were coming after both. Both {ran} inside the building. Damarah thought they were lucky. Because there were bars all over the windows. There were to steel doors. The stranger pushes the soda machine in front door. Two metal bars were in front of it. Damara quickly {ran} to the back door. Push another soda machine in front of it. Making sure they cannot get in. They were banging on the doors denting it. Windows broke trying to grab them. The metal bars are holding. They must figure a way out, now. Both only had one gun. The ex-military lady saw a haul place across the street. There were trucks there. Damarah was looking at her. She was pointing at the haul place. Damarah knew she had to make a distraction. There was a small hatch that lead to the roof. She opened the small hatch. Damarah notices she would need a ladder to get up it. Her {eyes closed}, quickly. While the stranger was looking way. Next minute her {eyes lids opened} up, quicker turning black as Kamilah takes over, {Jumping and grabbing} onto the edge. {Jumping} off it as she {Lands} on the roof. All badass like, {running} and {jumping} on to the AC unite.

"Hey, I am over her morons." Kamilah {yelled} out in a deep voice, {waving} her arms in and out.

"It is that traitor. Get her, she is not escaping us this time." A demon {called} out

The Haunting of Dawn Valley Asylum: The Damned (Completed) (Editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang