Chapter Sixteen: Unveiling

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They get ready to get back to Wendy's house. Their carts were full of stuff. Wendy got a few board games to play. A few demons came inside the place. The demons heard them in there. They went after the four them. Wendy and Jarvis got toss across the room. Purple grab a revolver out and started shooting it until it went down. Damara got smack across the room. She got back up and her eyes were black. "Hello!" Camila spoke out. Camila used her telekinesis to left both demons off the floor. Tarring their heads off their bodies. Blood splatters everywhere as their bodies and heads hit the floor. Purple was behind her. Moving {backward}, slowly. Damara took back over her body. The other two saw Purple moving away, quickly. They slowly moving closer near Purple. They where scared of Damara even though She saved their lives. she was surprised how much anger was inside of her.

"She is a demon! She is going to kill us as she did to those two demons. Why you on our side?" purple wondering.

"I am not a demon. I have a demon soul inside my body. I control her if I am a sleep. She goes out. I know what she does. It comes in as a dream. I made a deal with her. She stuck inside my body. She used to be a witch when she was alive. Used some magic to let her soul stay and my body does not destroy it. While her soul stays." Damara explained.

They understood it completely somewhat. Purple still did not trust her. Even, though she helps her out. Now, find out a demon was in her for a while. After making to Wendy's house with carts of stuff. A week later by, Ian still did not come for her. The next few days Layla's leg healed was able to walk on it. Damara talk to them about the Town, that is up the road. That demons could not go through.

"There is a barrier; where I cannot go through. I am going to go to the town after that. I will go around it; if you go there look for a guy named, Ian and a guy named, Bridge. Tell them, I will be waiting in the next town." Damara responded.

"Okay, I will let them know. Because you saved our life's. Therefore, we will do anything for you." Wendy responded.

"That was, Camila, not me. I guess it was both of us. We need to hurry; I will get a car for us. Avoid those powerful demons, also." Damara explained.

Damara left out the house to get a car. Running down the road with a shot gun. A few minutes later, Layla came running down the street. The demons van was coming up the street. She ran into an abandoned hardware store. Layla saw Damara, could not {scream} to her. Because it would alert the demons. Damara ran into another abandoned grocery store. The wind was picking up again. The lightning let up, clouds were not as dark as it was. Camila was wanting to come out. Damara would not let her out. Waiting for the van to get further away. She went outside; the van stopped up the road! Layla saw Damara outside running towards a truck. Damara flung backwards from an unknown force as the shotgun slide a few feet from her. A few demons came after her. They were the powerful demons. Layla came outside shooting at them. Damara got up grabbing her gun to begin shooting at them too. The demons knew it was the girl that killed the other demons visual. Layla {screams} out for her.

"Run, Damara; they are too powerful. We will get that truck. We need to hide for a little while. Let us go inside one of these places to hide." Layla replied.

Both went inside a building to try and hide from them again. They both need to figure out what they're going to do. Damara might of came up with a plan. They would have to be quick about it. Either one needs to be a distraction. After planning it all out. Damara went outside to distract the demons. She {shot} a couple bullets in the air. The demons started to run after her. Layla went to the truck hot wiring it. It started up, quickly driving down the road way. Next the demons got her cornered. Layla hits them with the car.

"Come with me, if you want to live. I always wanted to say that." Layla responded.

Damara quickly got in the truck. Layla quickly driving fast down the road. A couple of demons appeared in the back of it. Damara closed her eyes asking Camila for a spell to fight so she could defend herself more. Moving the truck side to side. Damara starts to speak a langue. Layla heard it saying something.

The Haunting of Dawn Valley Asylum: The Damned (Completed) (Editing)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें