Chapter Twelve: Gate

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"We are going to a hotel. I do not trust our places. In addition, they have a backup generator. It will be the best bet to go there." Damara explained.

She gets back in the car with the others.

Damara drove to a hotel, while Zoey and Veronica followed her. Ian went inside to get-to-get a few rooms for them. He heard some buzzing out coming from the main office. Ian began to open it was a smell hit him hard. A person was sitting in a chair looking up toward the ceiling. His heart was lying next to his body. Blood was all over the floor. Ian went to close the door and to get three keys from a board full of keys. After leaving the main office as he looked at them in shock. All went to their rooms; Ian went down stairs while Velvet followed him to a vending machine. He went to get a few things out of there. When suddenly Ian heard something comes from a room next to the vending machine. He opened it slowly; a house cleaner bolted up on a wall. Bounded by hands and feet while blood dripping from them. A sign made from house cleaner blood, "God can't help you now" Velvet showed up behind him as Ian bump into her while backing out of the room. She had her hands on his chest.

"Everywhere we turn dead bodies lying there. Whatever we go, it is not going to be far enough. It is coming and we all cannot stop it." Velvet responded.

She pushed up to him against a vending machine, wanting something from him.

"I cannot do this, your only sixteen years old. You have a lot of strength in you, Velvet." Ian replied.

"What is going on over here?" Damara spoke out

Velvet walks off looking back at both. Damara knew Velvet had a crush on Ian. Veronica was staring at Velvet from the room. She knew something was off about her. Ian showed Damara the house cleaners' body. Damara knows that something big is about to happen. The storm was steadily getting worst by an hours' time. Damara checked on both kids, were sleeping, notices Veronica and Velvet were not in the room watching them. She walked around the building. Veronica was standing there. Velvet was nowhere to be seen. Veronica still was standing in the same spot for nearly 5 minutes. Velvet showed up behind Damara.

"Where is she, Damara? Bring her out, you are not yourself." Velvet explained.

"What are you talking about, Velvet? Bring who, out of where? You sound as if whatever was in your mom's body." Damara asked.

The next few minute, Damara walked back upstairs to her hotel room. Later that night, she heard noise coming from Ian room. Ian was sleeping while Velvet appeared into his room. She was touching him up. Damara slowly opened the door. Velvet was gone the next minute as she opened that door. Veronica showed up in Damara room when she returned.

"Oh, Jesus, you scared the crap out of me, Veronica. What is going on with you? You were acting weird earlier." Damara responded.

"It was not me earlier, I swear. It was as if I was stuck there I could not move. There is something wrong with Velvet. I am telling you, that is not her, I am not lying to you." Veronica replied.

Damara knew something was off with her too. She thinks it the way to cope with loss from both parents. No one wants to look after kids at sixteen years old. Both are their helping her with it. Later that night, Ian was sleeping in his hotel room. Velvet showed up in his room touching him all over the place. Her eyes were white, staring at his body. "Damara" He spoke out Damara's name. She got lower until someone opening his door. Damara came into his room for a second. She lied next to him, cuddling. Velvet was staring at her in the shadow of darkness. Both started to make love, while Velvet watched. The next morning Velvet was gone, and Veronica was with lake kids. Damara did not know what happened last night. The wind is blowing hard as a tornado forum a block away from them. Everyone pilled in the two cars Velvet showed up getting in Veronica's car. Damara took over Veronica's car. The only way out is through a tornado that is blocking other way out. People started running into Sanctuary Hotel. They got back out ran back inside. Some people started {screaming} from seeing manager dead body sitting in his chair. Ian starts {yelling} "quiet, all of you." Everyone suddenly started quieting down. There was silence for a few minutes.

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