Chapter Fifteen: Annihilation

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It shot him in the left leg. Burgrath appeared on the roadway. Arkain and the other demons left as Layla woke up after a few hours. She realized how late it got. When looking for Rita and saw her dead on the ground. She could not look at her. Walking down the road again. This time being cautious of anything tries to pick her up. Limping a little bit notice her leg is not right. She had to rest falling to the side of the road. Someone saw her fall. Running outside dragging her inside; laying her on the couch. The stranger pulled her leg as it was hurting. Blurriness A stranger helped her off the ground. Putting her in the back seat. Her vision fading in and out. Pasting out in her back seat. Arriving at some stranger house in the next town. The next morning came up, she quickly woke up in a strange couch. A woman in her mid-forty's.

"Where am I at? Who are you? I do not trust no one right now. Had to deal with five demons and an old lady died by helping me! I killed one of those demon bitches; shot it in the face. That is why, I was all bloody. It is a surprise seeing you still here! My, name is Layla Whitehead." Layla explained.

"Whitehead, that is funny, {laughing}. However, where are your parents at? By the way, my name is, Wendy Weston. My husband died a couple of years ago. I saw him yesterday, he of suddenly reappeared. He said, you can see me? I told him I could see him. It was his spirit, I missed him so much. I was glad to see him. Then he told me what was going down." Wendy replied.

"My parents died a couple days ago. A couple ghosts high jacked their bodies. They made sure they were died if they left their body. So, I had to kill them, I did not want to. Just had to be done to release their spirits. Also, thanks for helping me." Layla explained.

Layla knew she could no stay there. Even helping Wendy out this place. She tried to get up as Layla falling back down. She had to rest to recover. Wendy made something to eat for her. Meanwhile, the group of people looking for a sanctuary with other survivors. Next moment Ian began to drive to the outskirts of a next town. A tire went out parking on side of the road. Damara looked inside a small compartment. There was a huge jack and a tire. Ian wanted to do it to be manlier. A van stopped and back up a mile down the road. The demons got out to go after them. Her eyes turned black, walking toward the back of the bus.

The demons could tell that she knows.

"Hurry up, Ian. We have company." Damara replied.

"Company! The demons? Where are they?" Ian asked curiously.

"Yes, they're a mile down the road. Do not ask questions, just hurry." Ian responded.

He tries to hurry quickly.

After he was done letting the jack down. Putting it back into the bottom hatch. Everyone got back on the bus. The Demons showed up behind the bus. Two of them grab a hold of the buses shell. Ian tried to go, however, the wheels started spinning. Camila stayed out until they were gone. Everyone started to get scared. A couple of people saw them at the back of the bus. She grabs the shotgun from Bridge. Kicking the back door of the bus, hitting both demons. {Double click} as the shotgun loaded. The group feared what was going on. They now realized there was something off about Damara after all. No ordinary person could do. Both demons grab her by the legs. Damara shot both demons in one theirs arms. They quickly back up from them

"Go now, Ian." Camila said quickly.

He quickly sped off.

One of the demons ran fast and jump into the bus. Tackling Camila to the ground. People started {screaming} because of one of the demons. Kids got scared as they moved to the front. Caroline and Margie recognized the woman. It was their mother with a demon inside her. Caroline step forward watch her mother trying to kill all of them. Margie's face of fear of her own mother.

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