Chapter Seven: Whispers

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Starla was still in shock of Saxton's death. She was staring at corners people carrying his body away. They put Saxton's body in the back of an ambulance. Tears kept coming out her eyes, down her cheeks to the ground. Velvet and Veronica went by them, coming away from the mall. She saw her mother standing there {crying}. Veronica stopped her car to let out, Velvet. Velvet ran out the car, knowing something was wrong. She ran toward her mother.

"Mom, what is wrong? Is it, dad? Dad, no; he did not die, it cannot be." Velvet asked.

She stares at her in shock, {hugging} her, tightly. Velvet starts {Crying} too. She held her hand out toward him. As her mother held her back. Veronica walked over to begin to {hug} her too. Starla walked over to, Damara. Velvet sits on the ground, {shaking} her body back and forth. Veronica walked over to Starla to wait for her to stop talking. She looked back at, Velvet. Velvet still moves backwards and forth in silences.

"Starla, I am going to take her back to my place. Is it, okay with you, if I do? Just for a couple of days, okay? The school will understand, while she is not there." Veronica asked.

"I do not like my kids missing school. I am sure, she needs time for seeing it. I will let her teacher know about, Saxton. I will need her back to help with the kids." Starla replied.

Veronica walked over to Velvet. Velvet held onto Veronica while walking toward, Veronica's car. Veronica puts Velvet in the front seat as she got in. She started her vehicle to drive off. Starla watches Velvet take off with Veronica. She was constantly concerned about her daughter. Veronica was a couple of years older than Velvet were. She took off to her apartment building. Velvet was silent the whole drive there. Seven minutes later, Veronica made it at her home. She helped Velvet inside and putting her in bed as the night went on. Velvet was tossing and turning, all night. She kept {talking} in her sleep, {breathing heavily}. Velvet sat up in bed, quickly. She was thinking everything was a nightmare. Velvet saw Veronica lying next to her, in the bed. Velvet knew that was not in her own bed and everything was real. Velvet started to hear {whispers} of her dad's voice calling out to her. She got up to follow her dad's voice. Begin to walk out of Veronica apartment. A few moments later, she wakes up to find Velvet gone after hearing the door shut.

"Velvet, oh no, she left; I think I know where she went." Veronica reply, to herself.

Veronica quickly grabbed her jacket. Veronica got inside her car and tried to start it. It would not start for anything. She got out her car to run toward the old asylum building. Fifteen minutes later, Veronica arrived there. Velvet was standing there looking at the old building. Wondering how she got here so quickly. It sounded as Velvet just left the house. She was scared for Velvet, it was not right.

"Velvet, what are you doing here? I was worried sick, about you; don't ever do that again. It is also cold out here." Veronica responded.

She was standing there, staring at the creepy building.

"I was called here, by my father. I heard a voice calling to me and lead me, here; I have no idea, why it wanted me, here." Velvet said, in a creepy voice as a mind control person.

"I know you just lost your father; you are hearing things, just dreaming. This is where he died. You are just grieving over it. It is going to be hard for a while to let go. I told myself that when my grandparents died." Veronica replied.

Velvet just stares back at her with a creepy look. Veronica helps her back to her apartment. Velvet kept looking back toward the old asylum building. Arriving at, Veronica place, again. Velvet stared off, looking back. Veronica was worried about her. She had to keep an eye on her while Velvet slept. Next morning, Veronica woke up, quickly. Realizing, Velvet was still there.

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