Chapter Five: Broken Pieces: Part Two

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Damara went to go close her closet door. Something came up, pulling Damara in by her ankle. She began to {screaming} for Ian. Something was pulling, her legs into the wall.

"Help me, Ian; I need you; something has got my legs." Damara {screamed} out.

He rushed to open it, glancing over, with a confused look on his face.

she began to crawl back to the couch, lying on the floor, felt as if she was losing her mind.

"There was nothing in there trying to get you. You were awoken too, I saw it." Ian responded.

"What do you mean, Ian? I was dreaming, while awake! Can that even happen?" Damara asked.

He helps her off the floor.

"Yes, it could happen to you. You will be fine, I promise." Ian replied.

Both did not notice the scratch marks on the floor. She avoids her closet, until the sunlight on it. Damara stayed up, sat at her table. Ian went back to sleep on her sofa. The television was off, watching him sleep. She could not sleep at all, herself. Damara kept trying to stay awake. Even, caution about it; both of her eyes were close, slowly falling asleep. Ian woke up to a noise coming from her room, again. Television, automatically, came on, suddenly. It got silent, once more. Ian went back to sleep, barely keeping his eyes open too, and the heaviness of them. He saw a figure in her hallway. Ian thought it was a dream that was someone was just stood there. He was afraid of a bad dream, he was having.

The next morning came; Ian awakened Damara with coffee in his hand. He was worried that her dream was so intents. That She thought they were becoming real for her. Damara did not wake up for him. She kept moving her head side by side. Ian tried to wake her, did not work. She sat up quickly bumping their head together.

"Man, I had a weird dream last night. Nothing happened while you were sleeping, I swear. There was nothing going on at nighttime. It is only in your head, Damara." Ian said.

Both exited the station. Starla and Saxton have been having problems, ever since their Daughter's friend's death. Some of the weird things that have been happening in their house. Sometimes, Saxton would get out of bed. He was gazing at a mirror in the hallway for hours, walking out of his house and leaving for the station. Saxton Arrived some calls started coming in, fast. It was about someone in trouble. The {screams} came from one of the microphones, everyone heard it. They put their hands over their ears of the high pitch sound.

"Ian, come with me; we will check it out together. Everett, get off your ass; you go with, Damara this time and Everett, do not screw this up again." Sheriff Lake responded.

"Sir, which, it was an accident, last time. Therefore, I will not let you down, sir." Everett replied.

"Gees, he is hard on you, man. What did you do, last time? Just wondering, I heard stories, some rumors too." Damara asked.

"I do not want to talk about, right now; let us just go to our calls. Never want to talk about it. Everyone was {laughing} at me." Everett said.

All four of them left, Saxton and Ian arrive at the job. There was not anything around here. There was a small log cabin. Both walked up to it began to stare through a window. A figure ran past the windows, quickly. Ian did not see anything.

"There is someone in there. I am telling you; I saw something running past the window." Saxton explained.

"There was nothing there, I promise you. Seriously, you are seeing things, again, sir. I swear no one was by that window." Ian replied.

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