"Tell Jack to get back in here, Will Scarlett is pretty much crossed off the list," Nova says.

David knocks on the glass to tell Jack to wrap it up.

"You're free to go Mr. Scarlett."

"I am?"

"Thank you for your time," Jack says, opening the door.

Will walks out of the room and down the hall towards the exit at a fast pace, as if trying not to give the officers the opportunity to change their minds about him. Jack shakes his head before heading into the adjacent room where everyone else is.

"Who's the other roommate?" Jack asks.

"Robin Locksley," Nova says, looking at the list. "I think he's in the front lobby."

"I'll bring him in," David says.

The others wait with bated breath as David escorts a handsome man, about thirty, with a full, but well-trimmed beard of light brown hair and soulful blue eyes. Regina is taken aback by his looks. He looks very mature and walks with a sort of confidence that she can't seem to find in men these days.

Sort of rugged, but very sophisticated, she thinks to herself.

Reflexively, she puts her hair behind her ear, until she realizes that he can't see her. Her heart races slightly and she keeps her eyes on this man as he takes a seat in the room.

Jack then trades places with David to begin the interview.

"Hello," Jack says.

"Good morning," Robin says pleasantly, even offering his hand to the officer. Jack accepts it with surprise.

Well mannered too, Regina thinks.

"Let me just tell you right now, you are not under arrest for anything. We just want you to back up your roommate, Killian Jones' alibi," Jack says. "We know you don't know anything about the case, but we can't leave no stone unturned, understood?"

"Yes," Robin nods.

"Please state your name for the record."

"Robin, Robin Jeffery Locksley."



Older man... Is that good or bad?

"So can you tell me what happened last Friday?"

"Well, I got home from work at around four. I'm a personal trainer at the athletics center across town...

Athletic too!

"I was really tired so I grabbed myself a brew and turned on the TV to watch CSI: Miami on cable."

"Did you see your other roommate Mr. Scarlett?"

"Only briefly, he had a duffle bag over his shoulder and told me he was taking his girl Ana out and would be gone all weekend. I just nodded and let him do what he wanted."

"What time did Killian Jones get home?"

"Same time he does every day, half-past six. He took a shower because he always stank of rotting fish and seawater. Then he heated up some leftovers for us and we talked about our day."

"Then what happened?"

"Well, I continued watching CSI until Sherlock came on after eight,"

Jack keeps himself very professional, knowing that Robin is poking holes in Killian's story as the docks man says that he was watching a big football game in the apartment.

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