t h i r t y e i g h t (p1)

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Emerson's POV:

I watched Justin scroll through his phone, looking at houses for sale. We like living in the house we have now but we really want to be closer to Marlowe's school. I felt my stomach tightening up and I winced, putting a hand on my stomach.

"Are you ok?" He asked, looking at me. "Y-Yeah, she's just moving around a lot." I smiled weakly. He looked at me nervously but nodded and continued to look at houses. Another contraction started and I had a hard time breathing. "She's really excited about the houses." I chuckled and got up. Justin got up too as I leaned against the wall with both of my hands.

I slowly breathed in and out and I felt Justin held my hips. "Do you want to go to the hospital?" I shook my head. I walked around the room before laying back down. "Let me lay down and just rest before we think about going to the hospital," I said and he nodded.

"Yeah, I'm at the hospital." I smiled as my mom FaceTimed me. Marlowe went to spend the night with her so she doesn't know that her sister is coming today. "I'm so excited! My second grandbaby." She grinned. I chuckled as I walked around the maternity ward. When I gave birth to Marlowe, I did the birth naturally. It was amazing to be able to feel everything. All of my female family members thought that I was absolutely insane for doing it but I wouldn't have changed it for the world.

Hillsong played in the room as Justin and I ate hospital dinner. My water hasn't broken yet but I feel her descending. Justin put his hand on my leg and I looked at him. "I can't believe we're having a baby soon." He smiled. I smiled too and put my hand on his. He may be putting on a brave face but I can tell how nervous he is. I kissed his hand as we finished eating.

Justin's POV:

I watched as the doctor and nurses began to prep the room for the delivery. "Excited dad?" The doctor asked and I smiled, nodding. "It's going to be ok, Emerson is in good hands." He patted my shoulder. I went over to the head of Em's bed as she looked up at me. She had a cold washcloth on her forehead and she tightly held onto her blanket. I sat down and grabbed her hand, rubbing it with my thumb. "Let's pray." She said and I nodded, closing my eyes.

"Lord, thank you for blessing Emerson with a healthy pregnancy. Please watch over the doctor and nurses so they can concentrate on a quick and safe birth. Please watch over Em so she doesn't have severe pain. Please bless Mila so she can come quickly and healthy. All these things I ask in your name, Amen."

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