t h i r t y s e v e n

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Emerson's POV:

I played with Justin's hand as he drove his car to the doctor's. We are in the homestretch of my pregnancy. I have a few more doctors appointments before I give birth and I'm so excited.

"So what are they doing at this appointment?" Justin looked at me. "Another ultrasound and checking me to make sure I'm doing ok." I answered. I felt my stomach tighten and I closed my eyes. I felt Justin grab my hand and rub it. When the Braxton Hicks contraction was over, I let out my breath and opened my eyes.

I listened to Mila's heartbeat fill the room. "Such a strong heartbeat." Justin smiled as the ultrasound technician switched back to the ultrasound screen. Mila has her hands close to her face. I smiled softly. "Look at her sucking on her thumb." I chuckled. Justin did too and played with my fingers.

After getting a few more pictures, the nurse came in to do my Strep B test. For the test she swabs my vagina and rectum and sends it to a lab for testing. When she finished, she put them in a bag and wrote my name. "We'll have your results next week." She said and left.

I walked into Mila's room and smiled as Marlowe colored a picture on the floor. I walked over to her and carefully sat down. I tapped her back and she looked up at me.

"What are you doing?" I asked. "Coloring a picture for Mila." She answered. I looked down at the paper. She drew three stick people and a small cocoon with a face. She also wrote I love you at the top along with the ASL spelling. I kissed the top of Marlowe's head. I can never get over how sweet she is.

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