The First Task

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(Y/N) was in the stall before everyone else the day of the first trial. They found her sitting down, looking as calm and serene as usual, sharpening Harbinger with her polished mask/helmet sitting on a table next to her. They saw that she had adorned the little amount of armor that she had in her possession including the blood red iron hand and forearm covers from her aunt Raven. when they entered the tent she looked up and smiled at the other champions.

"Well, well, well, look at who finally decided to join the party." She said with a teasing smile on her face. She dug Harbinger into the ground and used it to help her stand up, then slightly leaned on it. Cedric smiled at her while the other two champions looked kind of surprised, they had never had a girl act that way towards them. In Fleur's case, they would be jealous that they weren't as pretty as her or try to become her friend while in Viktor's case, they would just swoon over him. So to say they were a little surprised by her behavior was a bit of an understatement.

(Y/N) watched as all the other champions picked their dragon opponents from the bag. She felt it unfair that Harry Potter, a 4th year, who definitely didn't know as many spells as the rest of the champions, got the hardest dragon out of them. While they would get dragons, (Y/N) would get something different.

She watched Bagman walk up to her with a black burlap sack. A lot of hissing, snarling, and tiny roars could be heard from it as she stuck her hand in it, pulling out her opponent. When she opened her palm, there sat a tiny knight, dressed fully in steel, a giant claymore, much like Harbinger, knelled there.

"Great! It's settled then, (Y/N) will go last after Harry!" Bagman said. Meanwhile (Y/N) went back to her spot and started to examine the tiny knight, using the time to her advantage to try to find a weak point on the armored creature.

Time Skip

"Arma Gigas is what the champion of Ilvermorny shall be facing today. With her already defeating that dragon like creature when she arrived, the judges thought it necessary to put her up against something else. Ladies and gentlemen please welcome for the first time in the history of the magic world, the champion of Ilvermorny, (Y/N) Dumbledore-Sayre." The announcement rang off.

In the shadows of the doorway, (Y/N) made an X across her chest then patted her heart before slipping on her helmet and running forward into the light. Cheers and cries sounded off all around her as she waved to the crowd. The landscape around her had been flattened using magic to allow the fight between her and the possessed suit of giant armor to commence. The other champions were sent up to their own box to watch the battle unfold.

(Y/N) looked up to the box and nodded her head respectfully, acknowledging the presence of her fellow champions. Once the cries and shouts died down, (Y/N) closed her eyes to focus and when she opened them, she was super focused on her target. Defeat the grimm and get the prize. All she knew now was the Arma Gigas, now at least three times her size, still knelling in front of her.

Before she could react, the suit stood up and swung its giant claymore down at her, which she narrowly avoided by back-flipping out of the way. She drew Harbinger from her waist and ran forward, landing a hit on the armor before darting away and out of the armors reach.

The suit swung again, but (Y/N) darted behind her opponent while landing several scratches on her foe as she ran. The armor responded by swinging it's sword horizontally at her but (Y/N) managed to block it by bringing up Harbinger to meet it in the middle. However, with all the force behind the suits blow, she was sent sliding back.

When she recovered from the attack, she looked up and saw the armor in the air, preparing to strike her. As the armor swung, she quickly dodged but the foe persisted in its attack, sending her tumbling backwards.

They saw (Y/N) unattach her wand from its holdster and mumble a spell before putting it back. She got up off the ground and rushed forward with inhuman speed, a result of the spell she had just used along with the help of her Aunt Weiss's glyphs. With this newfound speed, the armor couldn't seem to land a single blow on her while she looked like she was teleporting with how fast she was going and used this to strike her foe multiple times.

But when she slowed down, her foe retaliated by swinging its sword at her, she leapt into the air to avoid the oncoming attack, but was caught off guard with a punch to the stomach that sent her flying.

She stood back up to face the Arma Gigas, blood now covering the left side of her face, she stood in a battle stance, seemingly waiting. They all heard a clicking sound and her sword's blade burst into flames. The Arma Gigas then charges at her and launches an overhead strike but she swiftly dodges and deflects the attack with her weapon, causing her foe to stumble back.

She stood back up and stabbed her sword into the ground, causing waves of ice to spread across the smooth ground. This freezes one of the Grimm's feet in place, immobilizing it. It still swung at her as she ran forward and jumped onto its own giant blade. her sword glowed a yellow aura, she rolled along the blade and slashed at her foe, destroying the ice and knocking the weapon out of its hand.

She created a glyph underneath herself just when the Arma Gigas punched down at her, she evaded the attack which caused the glyph on the ground to explode, catapulting the armor into the air. She took out her wand and sent six beams of light to hold it in place on the ground when it landed.

With a final leap in the air, she ran her sword right through it. The energy released the now empty armor which she pulled her sword out of. She saw something golden glittering in its helmet so she reached down and pulled it out, revealing a golden egg of her own.

She turned around and took off her mask/helmet before holding the egg up high in the air for everyone to see. She heard shouts and applause and felt a smile cross her face. Only when she felt her own blood running down her face did she reach up and check the wound.

She shrugged it off but still whipped up the blood with a rag in her pocket before she turned towards the judges. Madam Maxime stood up and a nine was formed in the air. Mr. Crouch came next and a ten appeared in the air. Next came Dumbledore, a ten formed above him. Ludo Bagman stood up and a ten appeared above him. Karkaroff stood up and an eight formed above him. And finally came Oscar Sayre, a ten appeared.

"And Ilvermorny wins first place!"

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