The Cat, the Rat, the Dog, and the Vulture

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        As (Y/N) stared out her window, thinking about how she had been kissed by two boys in 1 week she saw the womping willow, swaying in the wind and she felt herself remember something about her wand, that it was made from womping willow wood and elder wood. It wouldn't hurt to check for any empty spots on it, right? She sighed as she got up and whistled for Nightmare who then flew her to the tree, Luci on her shoulder.

When she got there, the limbs refused to swing at her, knowing that she'd easily be able to dodge the blows. After a few minutes of searching, she had found nothing and was about to give up until she heard familiar screams...Ron's screams. She hid behind the willow and watched as a pitch black dog dragged Ron by his ankle into a hole and out of sight.

"Hold on Ron, I'm coming!" She shouted. She felt her dad's and aunt's ability, both as animaguses, take over as she turned into a pitch black crow and flew after them, scattering coal black feathers as she followed after her friend's screams.

Time Skip

While (Y/N) was running towards Ron to check if he was alright when Harry appeared from the hole. She heard someone shout, "Expelliarmus!" And all her friend's wands were shot out of their hands. She still had hers strapped to her hip but she didn't want to give that away, not yet at least. "Great, the gangs all here. Now we can die together." She said, which drew Black's attention towards her. "And you," Black said, turning to her. She growled as she reached for her necklace, her mask appearing over her eyes.

She saw Black's eyes soften. "You look just like your mother but act like your father. I should've known..." He said, laughing and trailing off at the last part. She reached behind her and held her arm in front of her friends to try to protect them. She didn't know what happened but in the next few seconds, Harry had Black at his mercy, with his wand pointed at Sirius's chest. That's when they heard it, somebody running up the stairs.

(Y/N) looked around to see there were shadows everywhere, she used the ability she had gotten from her cousin Illia and camouflaged with the shadows. She looked around for any opening until she heard Lupin ask, "Wait, where's (Y/N)?" She felt herself freeze up. The only thing that knew where she was was Luci and he was hiding under a chair. "We don't have much time. Is he here Sirius?" She heard Lupin ask him.

After a few minutes, she heard Lupin, Hermoine, and Harry start arguing and she tilted her head. She looked in front of her and bumped into a table causing a vase to fall to the floor and break. She held in her gasp and saw Sirius turn his head towards where she was before she fell to the ground, as stiff as a board, and her camouflage no longer working.

(Y/N) started struggling in her invisible bonds. While Hermoine and Harry were arguing with mostly Remus, she turned to Ron and shrugged before she saw a broken piece of china near his feet. She looked down at it an jerked her head and Ron seemed to get the message for he quietly kicked it over to her.

(Y/N) looked over to see them all still preoccupied with their bickering so she slowly grabbed the piece of glass and chucked it a Black's head. He lost his focus which unleashed (Y/N) from her bonds before she quickly got up and ran over to Ron to check on him. "You okay?" She questioned as she summoned her aura, "Yea, just fine." Ron responded, looking curiously at the brown pattern that now covered his wound and trailed up.

As she tried to heal Ron's wound all the way, she listened to the whole conversation. But she only turned away from the wound and broke her concentration when the two maniacs came near her and Ron. She stayed by him to protect him from what they wanted to do, which was presumably kill him.

"All we want to do is see the rat, please," Lupin stated evenly, him and Sirius wanted nothing more than to protect her from things like this, people like him, they had promised that to Qrow and Rose, but it seemed they were too late. They watched their friend's daughter take the rat (that seemed to calm down when it was in her hands) from her friend and handed it to them.

"This is no rat. It's a wizard. A wizard by the name of Peter Pettigrew." They heard Crookshank's hiss and then the screech of a vulture. They looked up to see a large bird of prey, with the same blood red eyes as (Y/N). "And that is an animagus. A woman by the name of Thorn. The sister of the woman that this wizard helped kill."

Amor Magia (Harry Potter Various x Reader) On holdWhere stories live. Discover now