The Writing On the Wall

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        When me and Luci had raced to where all the commotion was happening, we saw Filch storming in that direction. "Hey, Filch where ya goin'?" I asked. "Just to check out what's going on." He said. "What's going on here? What's going on?" He said after we heard a shout. "Yeah what is  going on here?" I asked as we pushed through the crowd. Luci was on my shoulder, trying to get a look at what was happening. I stopped and stared in horror when I saw it was Mrs.Norris. I got her down from where she was hanging and checked for any signs of life.

While Luci was checking over the body and I was checking her pulse I heard Filch say, "My cat! My cat! What's happened to Mrs.Norris!" He exclaimed, clutching his face and falling back. And his eyes landed on Harry. "You!" He screeched. "You've murdered my cat! I'll kill you! I'll kill y-." "Argus!" Shouted my grandfather, followed by my god-mother and a few other teachers. I rose up with Mrs.Norris cradled in my grasp. "I got her grandfather." He nodded. "Argus, come with me, you to Harry, Hermoine, Ron and (Y/N)." He told us. I ran as fast as I could while still trying to cradle Mrs.Norris in my grasp. But while I was running away, I wasn't aware of the worried looks of some of the boys including other Gryffindors, Slytherins, a Hufflepuff, and Ginny.

As we entered Lockhearts office, there was a flurry of movement, and I saw dozens of Lockheart pictures hanging on the wall. I gagged and Luci said, "Man, and I thought I was egotistical." I giggled quietly in response. Lockheart lit candles on his desk and I stepped forward and gently lay Mrs.Norris on the polished surface as me and grandfather started to examine her. I walked over to the window and gave a loud, sharp whistle. Within moments my almost fully grown phoenix Adara was on my shoulder. "Hey there Adara, I missed you," I said as I nuzzled her. She nuzzled me back and made what sounded like a purring noise.

While the real professionals were examining Mrs.Norris, that idiot of a teacher kept making stupid suggestions. Finally, after a few minutes of this, I said, "She's not dead." I stated. Filch looked at me with tears of both sadness and happiness in his eyes, "Then why's she all frozen and stiff?" He asked. "She's been petrified. How I can't really tell. Adara, would you mind?" I finished. Adara shook her head and hopped onto the table, careful not to burn anything. She leaned over Mrs.Norris and shed a few tears. Mrs.Norris twitched for a few seconds but then went back to being totally petrified. "Looks like we need more than phoenix tears. It's okay Adara, you tried at least." I said, stroking the bird's feathers. I heard Filch in the background, blaming Harry for what had happened and yadda, yadda, yadda. But what caught my attention was when Snape tried getting Harry off the Gryffindor Quidditch team. I was about to object when my god-mother said, "Now hold on, this cat was petrified, not hit over the head with a broomstick." She said. "Innocent until proven guilty, Severus." My grandfather said. I looked from Luci to Adara, who seemed to be doing the same. "I guess that's our que to leave?" I asked quietly. They both nodded their heads. "Adara, go ahead and fly back, we'll meet you there," I told her. She nodded and took off.

For the next few days, the school could talk about nothing but the attack on Mrs.Norris. Now, not only did Luci insist on going everywhere with me, but now all of my pets did. I could only take one, so I chose Luci, I mean he is a demon and he can speak so that's the obvious choice to make. I almost always saw Filch pacing the place where Mrs.Norris was attacked, or trying to scrub the words off the wall, but even after that, they still remained there. And when he wasn't doing that, he pounced on students for "breathing loudly" and "looking happy".

Apparently, Ginny was really disturbed by the attack on Mrs.Norris. And I don't think I've ever seen Hermoine read so much, and that's saying something. Barely anyone could get a response from her at what she was doing. Although I do remember reading somewhere about a creature who could do something like this, I couldn't remember what it was. I remember there being many different versions of it, one being not only its deathly gaze but that everything about it was poisonous. Its spit, sweat, even its breath was fatal, now if only I could remember what it was.

Today during class, while I was wondering what the thing was, I was fiddling with my wand. I knew whatever the monster was somehow connected to it. I let out a sigh and got out the History of Magic Homework. "What's the matter. Thinking about that weird future dream again?" Hermoine asked, worried. "Yes that, and what could this thing be," I told her. She nodded and raised her hand. When the teacher called on her she asked, "Can you tell us about the Chamber of Secrets?" I looked to Luci who was hiding in my hair and he just shrugged.

As the teacher was explaining the Chamber of Secrets, I started to feel a little light headed and I started zoning out. I was in some sort of trance, but I was still aware of my surroundings. "(Y/N)" I heard a voice call, it sounded like Tom's but it also sounded like that weird slithery voice I heard the other night. "(Y/N)" I heard it call again. I shook my head and was snapped out of it. I was breathing a little bit heavily but nobody seemed to notice. "Hey, you alright?" I heard Luci ask me. I nodded and before I knew it, class was over.

Time Skip

A little bit later, Hermoine stopped by my common room and started explaining a plan to me, and it involved the Polyjuice Potion. "You scare me sometimes. But fine. I'll help. Don't expect me to drink any though." I had told her. She nodded and quickly headed back to the Gryffindor common room, probably to tell the guys I was in. "Goodnight Ginny. Remember to wake me up if you need anything." I told Ginny from across the room. She quietly nodded and I turned off the light and quickly fell asleep.

Amor Magia (Harry Potter Various x Reader) On holdWhere stories live. Discover now