The Rogue Bludger

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        Since the whole incident with the Pixies, Professor Lockheart didn't bring any more magical creatures to class. Instead, he did something 10 times worse, he read passages from his boos and reenacted a few scenes from his books while I painfully banged my head on the desk, hoping to be knocked out and put out of my misery, Luci was hoping for the same thing. "Huh. How much longer?" I heard him complain in my ear. "Not much longer," I told him, and as I said that, the bell rang and (Bf/n) bolted up and sprinted out of class. I looked over to see my friends still there at Lockhearts desk while I was still gathering my stuff, Luci on the floor picking up what he could. "So, Harry, (Y/N) I heard tomorrow's the first Quidditch game, Gryffindor vs Slytherin, no?" He asked. I silently nodded my head, still focusing on what I was doing so I could get out of here.

"I played Chaser and I was a Seeker too. I was asked to try for the National Squad but preferred to dedicate my life to the eradication of the Dark Forces. Still, if you ever feel the need for a little private training, don't hesitate to ask me." He kept going. I looked over to Luci to see him with his hand up, mouthing him with a dumb look on his face, I barely managed to suppress that laugh. I heard him say, "Always willing to pass on my expertise to less able players..." After he said that I was finished with my stuff, "Well, see you all later." And raced out of the classroom before he could boast anymore about his "skills".

Later, Hermoine had told me she got the book and knew how to make the potion but they'd have to steal from Professor Snape. I sighed. "I don't know if I'll be able to help you there," She said, but the saddened look on her friends face made her say, "But, I can try."

Time Skip

Even with the help of the brooms (Y/N) had gotten them, they still hadn't had enough time to practice on them to get used to them as they were with their old ones, so they used their old ones instead but (Y/N) understood. Harry was mainly worried about what Wood would do if they lost the match. Harry never wanted to beat Slytherin so badly. After half an hour, lying in his bed, he finally got up and got dressed. When he got down there, he saw the team at an empty table, probably discussing the plan, Ginny trying to open a jar, (Y/N) was on her way, and Fred and George were walking into the room.

The Gryffindor team was distracted by Ginny until finally, George walked over, "Need some help?" He asked smugly. "Fine, but only because I'm starving," Ginny said, handing him the jar. "Let me show you how a real man does it." He tried opening it 3 times, each to no avail. "Huh, I guess that means no pickles for me." Said Ginny sadly. "Why don't we just ask (Y/N) for help?" George asked. "No! You NEVER ask (Y/N) for help with jars." She said. "Why not?" Asked George. 

(Y/N) leaped next to the pair, "My big sister sense is tingling. What's that? A jar of pickles?" She asked, Ember Celica on her hands. "What? No! Who said anything about pickles? I don't want any pickles." She said, hiding the jar behind her back. "But you just said you were starving." Interrupted George. "AHA! I knew it!" (Y/N) shouted, grabbing the jar. "You dare to make my baby sister go hungry? You're going down jar." She said. We all looked away until we heard Ember Celica fire a bullet. "Here ya go sis, all you had to do was ask." She said, handing Ginny the jar. "Thanks." said Ginny, (Y/N) put her hand into the jar and tried to pull it out, but when it didn't she tugged a few more times before smirking, "Oh, you just don't know when to quit do you?" She questioned, "RUN!" Ginny shouted.

Time Skip

As soon as the game started, Harry flew higher to search for the Snitch, squinting around to find it. "All right there Scarhead?" Asked Malfoy, shooting under him. He had no time to respond because a Bludger came shooting at him, it came so close that he felt it ruffle his hair as he ducked. "Close one Harry." Called George, streaking past him with his club in hand, ready to knock the Bludger towards a Slytherin. He saw George powerfully whack it in the direction of a Slytherin, but the Bludger just came right back towards Harry and he dropped quickly to avoid it. He barely avoided it again and George was able to whack it towards Malfoy but it came back towards Harry.

After a while, it started raining, Harry felt the heavy drops fall onto his face and splatter on his glasses. He didn't have a clue what was going on until he heard Jordan Lee announce, "Slytherin in the lead with 60 points and Gryffindor with 0." The Slytherins brooms were clearly doing their jobs, and meanwhile, the mad Bludger was still trying to knock Harry out of the sky. Fred and George were now so close to Harry, all he could see was their flailing arms. "Someone's tampered with this Bludger," Fred said, exhausted. "We need either a timeout or a distraction." Said George. Wood had obviously gotten the message and the whistle was blown.

When I raced down towards the fields, I heard Luci ask me, "What're you doing?" "Planning on giving them someone else for the Bludger to target." I told him. He was about to protest when I said, "It's the only way for Gryffindor to win." He sighed but agreed, reluctantly of course. Finally, I had gotten down onto the field. "Hey guys," I shouted to the Gryffindors. "You need a distraction for the Bludger?" I questioned. They nodded eagerly. I smirked, "Good, cause you got one." And the game started up again.

I was up in the sky, my eyes closed and quietly breathing, listening for that damn Bludger. After a few minutes of waiting, I heard it whistling towards me and I ducked down just in time for it to whiz past me I smiled, "Now this is what I call a game of Quidditch." Before racing off, the Bludger following as close behind as it could. I did loopty loops, high dives, nose dives, every trick in the book and it seemed to be working, at least until it figured out what I was doing and raced back towards Harry. "Look out Harry!" I shouted, but it was too late, it smashed into his elbow. I nearly caught him but missed him by a penny sized smidge.

With a splattering thud, he hit the mud covered ground and rolled off his broom. I gasped loudly when I saw both him and the Bludger about to attack again. I let out a sharp whistle and in moments, Nightmare was there, taking hold of the bewitched Bludger and smashing it to pieces. I dropped to the ground next to Harry and threw my broom to the side and carefully moved his head into my lap. I was checking for his pulse and thankfully it was there and still strong. "Heh. You idiot." I said, tears in my eyes but a smile on my face.

Harry's P.O.V
My angel was hovering over me. A smile on her lips, tears of happiness and relief in her eyes and water droplets in her hair. I was still gripping the Snitch in my hand. Before I could say anything, I saw a glimmer of teeth. "Oh no. Not you." I groaned. "Doesn't know what he's saying." I heard Lockhearts voice say. "Not to worry Harry. I'm about to fix your arm."He said. I saw (Y/N) roll her eyes. She gave me an apologetic look that said, "Don't worry, I'll fix your arm later."

"Stand back." Said Lockheart, rolling up his sleeves and he cast the charm. A strange and unpleasant sensation spread throughout my fingertips and arm. It felt as though my arm were being deflated. I didn't dare look at what was happening, I mean (Y/N) was soothing me through the entire process. But I came to a realization, my arm didn't hurt anymore-nor did it feel like an arm.

"Ah. That can happen sometimes." Said Lockheart. I heard (Y/N) scoff and saw her roll her eyes again. When I got to my feet, I felt strangely lop-sided, but (Y/N) was there to catch me. She gave a whistle and I looked over to see Nightmare hovering over a mostly destroyed Bludger. She quickly ran over and (Y/N) helped me on. "To the hospital wing old girl." She said, and Nightmare quickly took off.

Time Skip

"You should've come straight to me. I can mend bones in a second but re-growing them-" "You will be able to?" I asked worriedly. "Yes, I'll be able to, certainly, but you'll have to stay overnight."

When me and Ron were done with putting on my pajamas, (Y/N), Madam Pomfrey and Hermoine came back in but Madam Pomfrey had a bottle of something called SkeleGro. "You're in for a rough night. Regrowing bones is a nasty business." She said, pouring me a cup. I tasted it and immediately spit it out. It burned my throat, making me splutter and cough. When I was done with that the tea came in and complemented both me and (Y/N) on our flying skills.

If it hadn't been for her, I'd probably have a lot more than a broken arm. When they had all left, it was just me and (Y/N) left. "That was very brave of you Harry. I hope you sleep well." She said before pecking me on the check and quickly leaving the room. "Oh, I definitely will now," I said, and I just knew I had a stupid smile on my face when I fell asleep.

Amor Magia (Harry Potter Various x Reader) On holdजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें