The Dueling Club

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        "Now Professor Dumbledore has given me permission to start this little dueling club to train you all in case you ever need to defend yourselves as I myself have done countless occasions-for full details, see my published works. Not only will we be teaching you how to use magic, but with actual weapons, which will be coming first. Now, welcome your hand to hand or weapon to weapon instructors, (Y/N) Dumbledore and her friend (Bf/n) (Bf/ln)." Lockheart announced. Me and (Bf/n) walked up onto the stage and bowed. "Thank you all for attending. You all might want to stand back a bit." I told them, and they immediately gave us as much room as possible.

I got out Ember Celica and (Bf/n) got out the two-handed Crocea Mors, which I let her borrow. Before anyone could say we could fight, she said from across the room, "(Y/N) Dumbledore! I have tolerated your foolishness for too long!" She shouted, pointing an accusing finger at me. "The foolishness you've tolerated compares not to... the- the foolishness in which you... FOOLED!" I shouted back at her, not even knowing what that meant. "What?" She asked with a questioning look. "N-Nothing. LETS FIGHT!"

I prepared my fists, and she pointed her sword at me and angerly growled at me. I smirked and chuckled at her attempt to intimidate me. We charged at each other and she swung the sword, I ducked but she almost cut off a piece of my hair, okay, now I was mad.

I scowled and lept at her put she waved her wand and deflected it. She went to attack me again, this time pointing it towards my chest but I blocked the blow and slapped the sword out of her hand. She was wide-eyed. I smirked and let out a battle cry as I lept at her and fired a bullet, only to hear a clicking sound. I dropped down to the ground and tried firing at her three times. "Huh?" I said, looking down at both of my gauntlets. She chuckled and stuck her tongue out at me. I put my right fist up to my chin and thought for a second before just flat out punching her. I stood there with my hands on my hips and a triumphant smirk on my face.

I turned back towards the crowd of gaping students. "That wasn't what an actual fight would look like, it was more of a training battle. Keep that in mind. And remember, stay alert and stay vigilant. Any questions?" I said. One student raised their hand. I pointed at them and they asked, "Are we going to fight with real weapons?" "No sadly. I know some of you," I said, jerking my head towards Draco and Harry, "Have rivalries and wouldn't hesitate to kill each other within a heartbeat. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a friend to take to the hospital wing." I went to help (Bf/n) up and got back my sword before jumping down and taking her to the hospital wing.

Time Skip

I made sure to take care of and the most. They were some of the only things I had left of my parents. As I was walking back inside the room, I heard Draco's voice shout, "Serpensortia!" I ran forward to see Harry speaking...Parseltongue. Yes! Haha! I'm not the only one! I was tempted to join the conversation but decided against it. I quickly got out my wand and fired a spell at the snake, it disappeared right when the spell hit it.

Almost everyone turned to me. They all heard the sound of my wand still sizzling, people weren't only afraid of Harry, but they were also now afraid of the enraged and magic-user holding her wand. "What is going on here?!" I exclaimed.

Amor Magia (Harry Potter Various x Reader) On holdWhere stories live. Discover now