Gilderoy Lockheart Part 1

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        We were all waiting for the new professor, Mr. Lockheart, the heartthrob of the school, besides Cedric, of course. (B/f1) sat beside me in this class. Man, I can't wait to goof off. The rest of the class came clambering in and all the girls, except me, started staring at Mr. Lockheart, while I rolled my eyes. When everyone was seated he cleared his throat loudly and silence fell. He reached forward and grabbed Neville's copy of travels and trolls, and held it up to show his own, winking portrait. All the girls let out a love-struck sigh while I made a face and made a fake barfing noise, (B/f1) giggling next to me.

"Me," he said, while pointing to the portrait, winking as well, again, I gagged. "Gilderoy Lockheart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League, and five time winner of Witch's Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award - but I don't talk about that. I didn't get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at her!" He waited for people to laugh, a few weakly smiled but I groaned loudly and banged my head on the desk. "Mmmmmf ffmph mph." "What (Y/N)?" "I said, I'd rather have Snape teach this class than this dimwit." I told (B/f1), slightly lifting my head before laying it back down again.

"I see you've bought my complete set of books. Now, I thought we should start of today with a little quiz. Nothing to worry about-just to check how well you've read them, how much you've taken in-" While he was handing out the papers, however, I got out my wand and whispered a spell, and he tripped on his cape and face-planted into the floor. Under the table me and (B/f1) did out secret handshake, while I also discreetly put away my wand. The other girls in the classroom gasped, probably worried about his pretty face. He got up and dusted himself off. "Who did that?" He questioned. Me and (B/f1) looked around just so we wouldn't get caught and shrugged our shoulders. "Okay then. Your test!"

As I looked over the questions I see they're all about him. I sighed and got out my wand, "Ignium." I whispered, and the paper was engulfed in flames and burned to a pile of ash. I quickly scooped it up and hid it under the table when he came to take up the papers. "Where's your sheet Ms. Dumbledore?" He asked, "Eh. Got rid of it." I said with a smirk. "Why?" "Because I didn't feel like answering questions that don't relate at all to DADA while in DADA. Plus, it's just a waste of time in general." I said, with a calm tone. "Deten-" He started but I cut him off, "Detention for what? Refusing to do something that had nothing to do with this class whatsoever? Yeah, good luck explaining that reason to my grandfather." I said. He looked at me shocked, and walked away, going on about Hermoine getting them all right yadda yadda yadda and continued going on about himself until I finally shouted, "We get it, your obsessed with yourself. Can we move on to the actual lesson, please?"

He coughed. "Right." He moved behind his desk and lifted a large, covered cage onto it. "Now be warned! It is my job to arm you against the foulest creatures known to wizard kind. Know that no harm can come to you whilst I am here. All I ask is you remain calm. I must ask you not to scream, it might provoke them." And he whipped off the cover to reveal...Cornish Pixies.

Amor Magia (Harry Potter Various x Reader) On holdOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant