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Next morning
You woke up and saw Rin
,, Sorry for waking you up, but I want to tell you something. Get dressed and come to the living room in a mean time i will make coffee."
,, Ok''

You got dressed and went down. You could smell the coffee, as you entered the room. You sat down and Rin started talking.

,, Remember last night I weren't home yes?"
,, Yeah"
,, Yesturday I fainted at work" she said with a sighed.
,, Wait really, why didn't you tell me yesturday?
,, I just wanted to just get a break and over think it over. Then i went to the hospital and the docter said I have the worst brain tumor he ever saw and I have just 2 weeks to live." you saw tears form in her eyes.

Your wizion foged up when your eyes fill up with tears. You stand up and hug her tighlly.
,, Sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry plz forgive me, will you?" She say in sobing in your embrace.
,, Rin just dont apologize, just plz leave the job and spend the last time with me, go be with you parents and brothers." you said wiping the tears of her face.
,, Ok I will after this day ok?" she said
You just nodded hugging her again.
15 minutes later she left and you went to Jimin to cry on his shoulder.

You rang the door bell with tears still running down your cheaks.

Hey this series are going to the end, so I'm going to uploud anoher series, so I hope you will enjoy it too

Hey this series are going to the end, so I'm going to uploud anoher series, so I hope you will enjoy it too

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Bye LYA💜💜

With a secret | Jimin Ff | P. Jimin x Reader | ( Complete)Where stories live. Discover now