Chapter 39

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I cover my mouth in order to conceal the laugh that is threatening to escape from Harry eating like a dog who has been restrained from food for days. It is quite an amusing sight. The sides of his mouth stained with spaghetti but I have no intention on telling him, somehow even that makes him look cute.

With eyes closed he moans "This is the best food I've ever had" he lets his fork fall on the plate making a cluck sound before holding his stomach with both hands like he's full.

"Thanks I made it" I giggle.

He snorts "Sure" before shaking his head as if he wouldn't ever believe that. How rude.

"Why don't you believe me?"

"You've been pretty open about your lack of skills in the kitchen babe, you don't just learn to make this over night" he states as if it the most obvious fact. He isn't wrong though. Although I wish I could be mad that he didn't believe me I'm flattered he remembers small things like when I mentioned I couldn't cook for the life of me.

"Whatever" I roll my eyes and begin to eat the meal mom has prepared. Harry is half way done and I am just getting my first bite in, having been to distracted watching him eat like an animal to begin. Silence settles between us but it is not uncomfortable, we both eat, occasionally share a shy smile.

Harry looks out the window, stretching his arms when he's done "What do your parents do to have such fine things?" He asks casually.

"My mom designs shoes, she's pretty big but mostly in Asia. Dad owns golf clubs across the country, I'm not sure how many anymore."

Harry looks impressed, nodding along as I continue "Dad pretends he's always working but really he's playing golf with his stuck up friends, maybe that's why mom is so bitter" I laugh but it doesn't amuse Harry and quite frankly me either. It's a way to mask how messed up my family is and how much it affects me. He snakes his hand from next to his plate were it was resting to my own, interlacing our fingers. We both watch as our hands play with each other's, letting our fingers slip through our grips and intertwining them again.

Harry brings my hand to his lips and kisses it chastely before nodding "Tell me more about them" he smiles like he knows I need it.

"Well apparently they took a lot of yatches out on dates, mom says she loved it because the sun setting was the most beautiful view" I look out the window at the show stopping sight. The sun is practically gone and now the sky is darker, causing the room to be dimly lit.

"I'd say second most beautiful view"

I break my eyes from the window to meet his as he stares at me. I can't believe after all that's happened he still manages to make my cheeks hit up with comments like this. I can't help it. Any girl would fall to their knees at a man with such beautiful green eyes saying such lovely things and meaning them.

I let my head fall so that it covers my stupid smile and tainted cheeks "Stop" I chuckle, my head shaking.

"Only stating facts baby" he winks and just like that he's back to playful Harry. Playful Harry I can manage more than intense, romantic Harry who looks at me like the most valuable thing in the world, I still don't know how to react to that. It's too much for my heart to handle.

Harry is finished eating but he waits for me to be done as we share stories from our childhood and get to know each other more. Although if feels like we've known each other for a long time, it hasn't really been that long and there is still so much to learn and uncover from each other. I laugh as Harry tells me about excusing himself to use the bathroom while getting his first tattoo to go cry. He got it done without parental permission but his friend owned the shop so they didn't care and his mom was not in her right mind with the divorce to pay attention. I tell him about the not so tragic parts of my childhood and light up every time I manage to get those closed eyes, head falling back laughters from him that I adore. When we see the shore coming close we put the plates and wine we barely touched back in the basket and head upstairs. It's not like we need the wine, we look like we're drunk off of each other.

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