Chapter 9

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I fell on the floor, my legs giving out as if when he left so did all my energy. The sobs shook my body and I held on to my stomach.

I had managed to mess up the one good thing I had in my life. The one person who, in such a short amount of time, made me happier then I'd been for so long. Maybe ever. I was my true self around Harry and he made me do things I never thought I'd do.

What was I thinking? Well I clearly wasn't. I treated him like dirt. I was so clouded by my pain I was willing to use someone I have undeniable feelings for. I was selfish and pathetic.

I cried all night and barely got three hours of sleep.

I cried for my brother, who stopped acting as one when I broke up with his best friend.

I cried for my mother who always judged me and I never seemed to reach her expectations.

I cried for myself, for letting my past still hold so much power over my present. But mostly, I cried for Harry.

He had opened up to me about his past, he told me he liked me and was willing to wait for me to move on completely. I didn't deserve him and I knew it.

Besides being beautiful, funny and respectful he had good intentions. Even his job is to help people. The only thing I wanted from the start was to make my worthless ex jealous, to prove a point but now it really made no sense to me. For once I truly didn't care about him. What he thought of me, how he felt or what he was going to do in two days in an altar.

If it weren't for this, though I wouldn't have met Harry and the thought was even more unbearable then loosing him.

I got up from my fetal position on the floor at around 3 am and went to lay on the bed, still wearing my jeans. No motivation to change or take off my makeup. I wonder where he's sleeping. I wonder if he'll still be here when I wake up, his clothes are here so he has to come get them, right? I wonder if he's hurting like I am.

As I turned on my bed for hours I realized how much I missed Harry's presence beside me. Also how I wish I was wearing his shirt instead of mine. A thought comes to my mind and I rush up. The shirt he wore last night was folded on the dresser.

He left it there before I came in for me to wear. My heart breaks again at the realization.

I pad over to the shirt and rip my clothes off and throw his on instead. His scent fills my nostrils and I instantly feel more at peace. I head back to bed to get a couple of hours to rest before the dreaded yatch party I must attend later and this time, I finally fall asleep.

-Short and sad chapter but I just wanted ya'll to get an inside scoop and how Amelia feels. I have the next chapter written and it was my FAVORITE to write so far but if you'd like I could make a chapter of Harry's p.o.v after this. Let me know what you prefer ❤️ Also don't forget to vote!

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