Janvi groaned, "I'm not in the mood for your nonsense, Nikhil."

"Tell me that it wasn't anything, I will believe you."

"It was nothing. The man was devastated."

"Okay. But just one question."

"What is it?" She asked tired and exhausted.

"Do you like me? Do you want to be with me? If you say no, I will accept it."

"That was two questions." She rolled her eyes and wrapped her arms around herself feeling the chilly air.

"Well, do you?"

"Yes! What is wrong with you? Why are you making me say my feelings out loud? Yes, I like you. I want to be with you. Happy?"

"Aww..." He walked towards her with the brightest smile with his arms open.

"Don't you hug me!!!" She shrieked and moved away.

"Why not? You're cold." He laughed.

She walked right into his arms. God! He was so warm, she thought to herself. She rubbed her nose on his chest and his arms wrapped around her. "This is only because I'm feeling cold. Don't get any ideas, okay?"

His chest rumbled in laughter and she thought beside the sea, this is probably the best and worst day of her life.


Dhruv rejected the call again. It was her. Even the thought of her had become so painful for him. The pain from his mother's death had seeped into his marriage and staining all their memories.

He stood outside the door contemplating whether he should go in. He knew if he saw her his heart would hurt like it was pierced with a thousand glass shards.

His phone vibrated, it was her- Where are you? I need you now.

He sighed and turned the knob opening the door. She still hadn't changed. Her eyeliner was running through her cheeks. She stopped, phone in her hand and looked at him.

"Where were you? I called you a thousand times!" She muttered biting her lip, restraining herself from letting more tears fall.

He walked in and closed the door, "I'm here now. What do you want?"

"Why aren't you here? Why did you leave me alone?" His back was turned to her, but he knew from her voice she was going to break down.

"Why did you leave me alone? Why would you let me go? Why would you let me go to him? It's all your fault! Why would you do this?" She cried out.

His mind screamed for him to run away. He knew she didn't blame him, deep inside she blamed herself. He turned back and walked towards her. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her close.

"Yes. It's my fault." Yes. It's my fault that my mother died. He thought.

She sniffed, her sobs stopping, "I want to forget all about it. It was horrible." Me too, he replied, not in words.

"Make me forget, please!" She begged. Make me forget too, He begged her too, in not so many words.

He didn't know who started it first but all he knew was his lips were on hers and hers on his. He didn't know who was claiming who but in all the mess, when he tasted the saltiness on her lips, he began forgetting.

      Her hand rushed to hid waist tugging his t-shirt and he complied, they separated for a brief moment and reunited again.

      He didn't even know their legs had made a bee line towards the bed until his back hit the soft mattress. She was with him. His hands roamed her back in seach of her zipper and he pulled it down.

DoomedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora