Chapter Nine: A Crush

Start from the beginning

"Mom, why would you tell her that!" Jeff yells from down the hall, both girls smirking at each other. "Have fun you two, don't let Jeff eat too much junk." 

"No promises!" Jeff yells again from his room, both girls shaking their heads.

Camilla walks to Jeff's room, seeing indeed he did clean it up and had snacks and food waiting on his desk. Camilla whistles, looking around the room. Jeff turns around from the tv, an eyebrow raised at her and a smirk present on his face. "Honey, you gotta ask me out before you start whistling at me." Camilla rolls her eyes, putting her bag on the floor and plopping on the bed, Jeff's smug expression turning into a serious one.

He walks around the bed, plopping down next to her and placing the remote down. 

"What's wrong, Cammy? Tell therapist Atkins." Camilla snickers, it being muffled a little from her head being in the pillows but Jeff could still hear it clearly. She searches for his hand, and he notices, putting his hand out to help her find and she grabs it. She pulls herself a little closer to him, then putting his hand on her head to let him know to start running his hand through her hair.

"My parents are going on another 'vacation'." She mutters, now Jeff being the one to whistle, making Camilla smirk, lifting her head off the pillow to look at him. "That taking me out before you whistle thing applies to me too Jeff."

He smiles, shoving her head back down onto the pillow causing her to laugh.

"You'll be fine this time, Cammy. You can stay over here anytime you'd like, and I'm sure Monty will be more than happy to sleepover yours anytime also. I promise you won't be alone." He tries to reassure her, actually helping making her feel a little better. She responds with a hum, loving the feeling of her best friend's hands massaging her head.

"Speaking of Monty, where is he tonight?" "At Bryce's." Camilla responds sleepily. 

"Does he know you're sleeping over mines?" Camilla responds with a hum, telling him no. He could sense her falling asleep, so he quickly takes his hand off her head, wrapping his arms around her body and pulling her up to sit next to him, arms still wrapped around her. "Oh no you don't." "Jeffff." Camilla groans.

"Nope. You're not falling asleep just yet. You heard my mom, I spent a lot of time preparing for our best friend sleepover and you are not going to ruin it by falling asleep yet."

"But Jeffy, I'm tired." She pouts, looking up at him, but he doesn't give in. "We can rest when we're dead." He responds, turning his attention back to the tv and leaving one arm slumped over her shoulder, the other using the remote and navigating through movies for them to watch.

"You couldn't keep it up, Marcus, huh?" Montgomery teases, causing Marcus to jokingly shove him. "Yeah, it was because I was looking at Hannah and not Camilla." He jokes back, Montgomery surprisingly laughing right along as they continued walking down the hall, continuing their discussion on how bad Marcus and Hannah's date went.

Marcus had showed up hours late, being told if a girl would sit around and wait that long then she was down for anything. But Marcus was wrong of course. Hannah only stayed out of the kindness of her heart and high hopes that Marcus wasn't like every other guy at Liberty High.

But Marcus had gotten too close, and tried to grope Hannah. It made her uncomfortable and she yelled at him, causing him to embarrassingly fall out of the booth.

"But nah, nah man look. She wants everybody to think she's DTF, man, but she just likes the attention dude. Hannah Baker is a cocktease man. Plus, she's like batshit crazy, too." He continues. As he spoke, Hannah just so happened to be walking down the stairs as they passed, hearing every word. Montgomery and Marcus lock eyes with her, Montgomery dying of laughter and Marcus becoming quiet.

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