Always Look Behind You

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Always Look Behind You

Have you ever gotten the feeling of being watched? Now, I’m not talking about those moments when you’re in a crowd and you get that feeling, because then it’s most likely someone is watching you. You know, just probability working its way into that situation.

No… no. What I mean… is when you’re all alone. You know that there’s no one else around, not even in your house. It is in that moment when you feel eyes boring into the back of your skull, right? The moment when your stomach knots and your palms get sweaty. The moment when you want to run and hide in your parents bed like a you’re still a child. But then you look behind you, see nothing, and relax… right?


Of course you do. You don’t know what was there just a moment ago. For you see… well that’s just it. The monster only exists when you don’t see it.. The second your eyes laid on it, the thing just went ‘poof,’ right out of existence. You don’t remember it, and neither does anyone else. But that doesn’t mean you’re not in any danger.

Let me just say, there’s a reason that our eyes make it disappear.

Your eyes are your only defense. The “windows of the soul” are what keep it at bay, for it cannot watch a person’s soul and still exist. As soon as you blink or look away however… well, you probably don’t want to know but I’ll tell you anyway.

It rips out your eyes, and devours them.

But you want to know the most horrible part? Do you? Well… again, I’ll tell you anyway. Best to be prepared, right?

You can still see. You see it looking at you, you who has no eyes at this point. You see it ripping into your body, pulling out your organs, intestines, and eventually your heart, killing you once and for all in one of the most painful and horrifying manners that a human being could ever lay eyes upon.

And you will see it all, for it loves slow, agonizing death.

Why do you see all this?

Because the moment you let your eyes be taken, its eyes, milky white orbs that appear far to large in its head, gained pupils… your pupils.

But before all this happens, it’s just got some empty white eyes.. It can’t see you, and when you see it, it can’t be real anymore. So make sure you always look behind you…

Oh, I think you’re getting that feeling right about now… aren’t you?

Better hope that you can look behind you fast enough.

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