Fear of the dark

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You hear your child screaming "Mommy there someone in my bedroom! Turn the lights on!" Of course you come to your kid's bedroom, turn the lights on and find no boogeyman, no monsters, no creatures.

Children and adults alike have adapted to fearing the dark. Why? Well its something called fear of the unknown. We as people fear what we cannot see, what we cannot feel, what we do not know. We do not know what might come at us nor could we see what really lies in the dark.

So why are kids more afraid of the dark then adults? The answer? Maturity. But adults should know that the dark is the only blanket between fiction and the truth and without the dark, you wouldn't be able to hide, nor will you tell yourself that its just imagination because seeing is believing.

Now you hear your child screaming again about the same boogeyman in his room. You go to your same routine telling your child, who is now under the covers, that there is no such thing as monsters. Then you turn on the lights to find there are no monsters, no creatures- nobody under the covers...

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