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s t e l l a n

Stellan creaked open the bedroom door, trying not to wake Everly. Merrik had found him down the block, walking with no real direction. He had been furious, and so incredibly hurt. But something Merrik told him had stuck.

Firstly, never in a million years would he have expected Merrik to follow him because that would mean that he cared. The old Merrik was cold and calculating, and simply never cared about anyone other than himself. But something had changed in him these past few weeks. Keeping the same girl around, apologizing, admitting he was wrong... maybe he was human after all.

But Stellan was grateful his brother tracked him down; otherwise, he could have lost the best thing that had ever happened to him.

Pulling back the covers, Stellan slipped in the bed next to Everly. She was curled up in a ball like a cat, and he couldn't help himself from wrapping himself around her protectively.

If only he could have protected her from himself.

She stirred, and Stellan was not prepared for the hope and pain in her voice.

"S-Stellan?" she called, her voice cracking.

Stellan could hardly breathe. He had to apologize, to show her that he was wrong, and he hated himself in that moment for hurting her.

"Everly... Angel," he whispered reverently. "I fucked up... I fucked up so bad," he managed.

"You promised," Everly hiccuped.

Stellan's heart broke.

He promised her that he would never leave, and look what he did.

Stellan stroked her hair and pulled on her shoulder, turning her over to face him. "I know. I know, and I am so sorry. Please, forgive me, baby," he murmured, nuzzling his nose with hers.

She swallowed and closed her eyes, leaning into him. "Of course I forgive you, Stell. It's not just your fault; I should've been honest with you from the start and told you what happened between me and Merrik... and..." She took a deep. shuddering breath, and he pulled back so he could see her.

"What is it, Angel?"

"I have to tell you the other reason why I did what I did... I know that I already explained the rejection I felt, but there is more to it than that." She took another breath and gulped.

Stellan put his hand on her cheek and stroked her cheekbone with his thumb. "It's okay, Ev. I want us to be honest with each other. Just take your time."

"It has to do with my father... Besides not wanting to pay you guys the ransom to get me—he was—is, I guess—a stock market mogul. But he has a side business too. And he didn't get all his clients honestly. He used to..." Everly paused, breathing. "God, I can't believe I'm saying this out loud. He wanted to get business for as little money as possible, so he'd use leverage with his clients. And most of his clients were really horrible. They'd give my father a deal—if he'd give them something in return. Well, It wasn't going to be money, because he was so stingy. So... he used me. He used me, Stellan, as—as an escort." She stopped, and Stellan saw red but managed to speak.

"Escort? What does that mean, Ev? Like... you'd go on dates with these strangers? He made you do that?"

"Yes. But that's not all," she continued. "Not just dates, but he'd promise them... sexual favors," she mumbled. "And if I refused, he'd lock me in my room for days on end with no food, only one glass of water every twelve hours, he'd shut the water off to my bathroom, all the electricity, until I'd finally give in because I was so hungry. I never had sex with any of them, but I was forced to do... other things. That was until the night your men kidnapped me, I was supposed to meet a man who demanded sex. I had no idea what I was going to do." Tears filled her eyes and she began to sob. "Stellan, it was horrible."

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