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e v e r l y

Everly looked up and when her eyes landed on Stellan's face, tears filled her eyes. "Stellan, baby... there you are. You left me," she murmured.

Stellan's face crumpled at her words. "I'm right here, Angel. I'm so, so sorry," he lamented. "I won't leave you again... I'm sorry." He stroked her face and she leaned into his palm.

"Do you promise?" she asked, her dark eyes locked on his.

Stellan leaned down to press a kiss on her forehead. "I promise, Angel. I promise I'll never leave your side. Ever." Stellan's voice was choked up, and even in her hazy mindset, she could tell he was angry—probably with Merrik.

Everly nodded and let her eyes fall closed again before cracking one open to look at him. "Are we almost home?" Stellan merely nodded, his lips in a tight line.

She could hear Carmen and Merrik talking about something in the front seat—five million dollars? No, that couldn't be right.

She put her hand on her forehead and winced. What the fuck happened to me tonight? I don't remember anything after sitting down in that booth...

"We're here," she heard Merrik say, breaking through her fuzzy thoughts, and Stellan leaned down over her. "Do you think you can walk?"

She nodded. "If you'll help me."

"Of course, baby," he murmured, standing up and gently setting her head in the seat, then pulling her up and out of the car.

As they walk inside toward the elevator, Everly started to come around, and instead of being completely lethargic, she had started giggling and hanging all over Stellan—and not just for support.

Stellan supported her weight, wrapping his arm around her waist. "Are you okay, Ev?"

She giggled and kissed his neck. "I feel pretty good now," she slurred, looking up at him. "Are you okay?" She didn't give him time to answer before nearly shouting, "God, Merrik, your elevator is slow as shit!"

Just as the words left Everly's mouth, the elevator dinged. They all piled out, making their way to Merrik's door. Upon entering the apartment, Stellan brought Everly toward the bathroom. "We'll just be a minute," he called to the others. "Gonna clean up a bit."

Carmen and Merrik nodded, flinging themselves down on the sofa. Everly saw Carmen put her head on his shoulder, and she couldn't help but smile. They were cute together.

In Merrik's bathroom, Everly leaned against the counter, watching Stellan as he started the water in the sink. Wetting a washcloth, Stellan stepped between Everly's legs to wipe the alcohol and smeared lipstick off her face.

Everly giggled and brushed Stellan's hair out of his face. "You remember last time we were here, and you had me nearly naked up against that wall?" She gestured to the hallway right beside the bathroom door. "This is how that started," she said, winking at him.

Stellan blinked. "Everly, we've never been in here together. Are you sure you're feeling all right?" he asked, leaning close to look into her eyes.

She scoffed at her own fuzzy memory. "Oh wait. That was Merrik."

The confusion dropped from Stellan's face. "Are you fucking serious?" Stellan threw down the washcloth, stepping away from her. "He had you nearly naked against the wall?!" he cried, his voice incredulous. "And that was just the start?!"

Everly shook her head as if, even in her drugged state, she knew she had said something very, very wrong. Her eyes widened, his words finally registering, and it seemed to sober her up a bit. "Stellan, wait, I—"

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