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c a r m e n

Carmen and Merrik strolled down the sidewalk toward downtown Chicago, both holding cones of gelato in opposite hands, their free hands swinging between them. They ate their ice cream in silence for a few minutes before she spoke. "Thank you for this, Merrik. You have no idea how much this day has meant to me... no one has ever done anything like this for me before."

He looked down at her and a small smile appeared on his lips, warming her all over. "It's really been my pleasure. Is there anywhere else you would like to go?" he asked.

She looked around and twisted her mouth in thought before looking at him with a grin. "Can we go to Navy Pier? All this time in Chicago, and I've never ridden the Ferris wheel."

"That sounds perfect. We're close enough to walk," he said, and they made a turn onto Grand Avenue. As they walked, her fingers brushed against his lightly, and her heart fluttered as she brought her hand to her hair and pushed it behind her ear nervously.

Merrik cleared his throat next to her, and she glanced at him from the corner of her eye. He hadn't so much as moved away from her, so when she put her arm back to her side and their fingers brushed again, he shifted his hand and intertwined his fingers with hers in one movement.

Her breath caught in her chest as she looked up at him, her face flushing a deeper pink.

She felt like she was in high school again, on her first date at the movies. Butterflies erupted in her stomach, and when he looked down at her, their eyes met in an electric charge.

Was this real? Did this man want to touch her as much she wanted to touch him? She gripped his fingers gently, but firmly, squeezing ever so slightly. She wanted him to know that she liked holding his hand, wanted it. She felt as though their hands fit perfectly together, and it made her heart beat faster.

She didn't know what to say and didn't want to break the spell between them. She honestly didn't know how she got to this place, but she was so glad she had. When Stellan took her away from Frank's, she thought she'd probably end up in a shelter somewhere. She never dreamt she'd end up holding this handsome man's hand after a meal from heaven. She squeezed his hand again, making sure he knew that his touch was pleasing to her and that she didn't want to let him go.

She looked out at Lake Michigan, the cool breeze blowing her curls back over her shoulder. She shivered almost imperceptibly—both from being chilly and from his proximity. She gazed up at the Ferris wheel and smiled.

She smiled when he squeezed her hand back and elbowed him playfully. "You're not scared of heights, are you?"

"I'm not scared of much," Merrik replied with a grin on his face. "You seem to like thrills," Merrik commented while in line for the Ferris wheel.

She leaned against him slightly as someone pushed past her in line. "I do... I like to take chances," she murmured. She didn't move away from him even after the person had long pushed past them, and took the opportunity to rest against him.

Carmen pulled her hair over her shoulder as another person pushed past, and she pressed against him, her back to his front.

"I think risk takers are exceptional people," Merrik said in her ear. "After all, you can't run a business without taking risks." When more people bumped her into Merrik, he placed his hands on her hips, guiding her through the crowd so that they could make sure to stay together.

She secretly loved the way her body felt against his. His hands on her hips made her shiver with excitement.

When they reached the front of the line, the employee waved them onto the next car. The Ferris wheel carts were enclosed, with tinted windows, giving them a modicum of privacy. She sat and patted the seat next to her so he'd sit there—she hoped. She bounced up and down in her seat a little with joy.

A Flame Divine ♕Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant