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m e r r i k

Merrik had just gotten off of a conference call when Carmen walked in his office carrying a tray and bringing the scent of freshly-brewed coffee with it.

"I thought you could use a cup of energy," she said, placing the tray on his desk and pouring a steaming mug. "You've been on the phone for hours."

"You didn't have to do that," Merrik told her, but took the cup from her hands anyway. He took a sip, black like he preferred it. Perfect. "Thank you. I might have needed it more than I thought," he said. "I just got off the phone with one of the district managers. In a few weeks, we're planning a gala. Would you be interested in attending? With me?"

He watched Carmen's reaction from over the rim of his cup, unable to help himself from grinning at her ensuing blush.

"M-Me? You want me to go with you?" Carmen stammered.

Merrik nodded. "If you'd like to." A mix of emotions played across her face before she finally answered.

"I would love to," Carmen replied, her eyes shining. It made Merrik's heart constrict. After spending the last week with her, he'd come to admire the little details of her face—the arch of her brows and the slope of her nose. He was charmed by the freckles dusting her cheeks and found himself wanting to brush his fingers across them.

And not just that; she was quiet, but spoke to him as if he were a valued friend.

"Excellent," he said, setting his mug back on the tray. "Grab your coat; we have some errands to run."


Merrik walked down the sidewalk, Carmen at his side. He strode up to a storefront and Carmen paused beside him.

"Armani?!" she exclaimed as a steward opened the door for them. Merrik didn't even pay the man a glance as he walked in.

"We need to get you some event-appropriate clothing, among some other things," Merrik commented, resting his hand on the small of her back as he led her inside.

Immediately, a woman walked up to them and asked if they needed anything.

"Yes," Merrik told the woman. "We will need three daywear outfits, two formal, and nightwear for the lady." He gestured to Carmen, who was standing petrified beside him.

Her eyes widened and she glanced between him and the sales lady. "Merrik—I—" she started, but he shook his head slightly. He wanted to do this for her. She sighed in defeat and Merrik smiled to himself. He followed her around the store to find the outfits he requested. She chose the day wear outfits easily—one pair of designer jeans, one pair of black slacks, and a flowy skirt with two v-necks and one peasant blouse. The nightwear she chose was a delicate silk nightgown with matching robe. When the sales associate showed them to the formal department, she was whisked away from him to try on dresses.

After a few minutes, the saleslady came out of the dressing room and beckoned to Merrik. "The lady would like your opinion on the formalwear."

Merrik nodded and pushed himself off the wall he'd been leaning on. He followed the woman to the dressing room, and when Carmen stepped out, her hair falling over her shoulders, the tight purple dress fitting her perfectly—every curve hugged—Merrik's heart stopped.

"Is this okay?" she asked him shyly.

The slit up the right side of the dress was dangerous. It had him wanting to slide his hand across her curves and up her pale thigh. And he appreciated the color; it was a dark plum, formal yet not stuffy like the grays and blacks he normally saw. "We'll take it," he said to the woman without taking his eyes off of Carmen.

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