Start from the beginning

Carmen rubbed Merrik's back as they made their way to Stellan's car. "You do laugh plenty, baby..." She nuzzled against him as she hooked her arm through his. "I know something else you do a lot of," she murmured in his ear when they got into the backseat. She felt him shiver under her touch and grinned.

Everly and Stellan got in the car, then Everly turned around to look at Merrik. "So, can you walk us through what's gonna happen tonight?"

"Yeah. The place is Club Bonita. When we get there, they'll pass us through, but the girls will be escorted to the lounge. Stellan and I will head to the back to exchange this," he patted the briefcase at his feet. "Once we're done, we'll head to the lounge, collect you girls, and be on our way," he explained.

Carmen glanced at Everly and put her hand on Merrik's knee. "Is it really going to be that easy?"

Merrik hesitated before responding. "All you two have to do is chat with the other patrons for a while. Keep the conversation going. If you have to, lie."

Everly bit her lip. "Lie? About—about what?" She twisted her mouth before speaking again. "What kind of patrons are we going to be talking to, Merrik?"

Merrik looked out the window, not meeting their gazes. "Very wealthy people. Mostly men... they can't touch you unless you give them permission."

"Are you fucking serious?" Stellan burst out.

Everly and Carmen's heads both snapped toward Stellan, their eyes wide. Merrik just pressed his lips into a grim line.

Everly squeezed Stellan's knee as she said, "Baby, calm down."

Carmen watched as Stellan reached over the center console to rest his hand on her thigh. "If anyone touches you, I'll knock the shit out of them."

Merrik turned to Carmen. "I'm sorry you girls have to be dragged into this," he murmured.

Carmen shook her head and put her hand on his cheek. "No. Don't be sorry. It's going to be fine. We will be fine." Carmen bit her lip before speaking again. "I do have another question... What's in the briefcase?"

Stellan and Merrik exchanged glances in the rearview mirror. Neither of them answered for a long moment, and Carmen picked at the hem of her sweater nervously. Finally, Stellan sighed. "I don't want to keep any secrets from you, but you can't freak out. Okay?"

Merrik grunted, clearly not pleased with his decision. Carmen didn't know what to think. She had seen a lot, but now she had more to lose.

Her eyes met Everly's and she nodded. "We won't," Everly promised.

Carmen's eyes were drawn to Stellan adjusting his grip on the steering wheel. "Remember that news report a few days ago about a man arrested for selling an undercover cop fifteen kilograms of Columbian heroin?" Stellan asked. When Carmen nodded, he continued. "Now you don't have to wonder what happened to the heroin."

Everly's mouth dropped. In what Carmen thought was her attempt not to freak out, Everly nodded vigorously. "Uh—um, yep. Heroin. No big deal, just a normal Friday night, right, Car?"

Carmen swallowed and nodded. "Yep. No big deal," she squeaked.

Merrik snorted. "We'll be in and out. It'll be like we never touched it."

Stellan cringed. "Sorry Ev. But for the record, I've never done the stuff."

"I prefer not to pollute my mind with things of that nature," Merrik remarked beside her.

Carmen's mouth twisted as she looked down. "I have," she whispered, ashamed. "I didn't shoot it up... but I snorted it... Frank pressured me. It's disgusting... and I didn't like the way it made me feel."

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