27 (October 13th, 1975)

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I was woken up rudely not by the horrible shrieking of my alarm clock, but by the loud ringing of the telephone in the living room which wasn't any better.

I've never had a really deep sleep and that's why I startled as soon as the first ringing sound chimed. My heart was pounding heavily.

I quickly got up from my warm and cozy bed, pushed the blanket aside and scurried into the living room.
I shivered as soon as I left the bed.
I hated those cold mornings in my flat.
There was no heating. It was broken, actually and my landlord didn't see the need to fix it.
That's why the flat was as cheap as it was and therefore affordable for a simple student like me, not yet successful enough to pay for a proper flat.

I rubbed my tired eyes before answering the phone.
I yawned shortly. "This is Brian. Hello?"
"I edited a three minute version!" I heard Deaky from the other side of the line.
He sounded awfully tired. "It took me a few hours but I did it. Hopefully, Featherstone will take it now.. Would be a pity if he didn't, just because of the six minute length.. And I hope Freddie is happy with the result..."

"Nice! But, Deaky..." I took a look at the clock above the kitchen entrance. "It's half past five... Did you sleep?"
The bass player paused, then he admitted: "Not yet, we stayed at the bar until about half past two.. then I went home and made the edit."

"God, Deaky! Get some sleep! We have to be at Featherstone's at about ten!"

"Yes.. I wanted to. Now. I just wanted to tell you."
I could imagine the smile which was probably on his face right now and I sighed.
Even though he kissed my boyfriend - well, kissing was way too played down for what the two of them did in that bar - I couldn't be angry at Deaky.
He was always nice and friendly and I was sure that if he would have known that Roger was mine, he would have never looked at him even once.
I didn't blame him for anything.

"Thank you for making the edit, I'm sure he will accept it now. Sleep well, Deaky." I answered and hoped that he would go and take a rest now because I wanted to return to my bed as well.
I was just wearing my underpants and a white tank top and I was freezing.

"See you later, Bri!" And he hung up.
I quickly returned to my bedroom and jumped onto the bed, covering myself with the warm blanket.
Much better.


My alarm clock forced me out of my nice dream at nine o'clock.
My eyes tore open as I heard the loud ringing and again my heart started pounding.

I hated alarm clocks so much.
But at least I was awake, not like Roger who most of the time simply shut down the alarm or even threw it out of the window and continued sleeping like nothing had happened.

I got ready to drive to the office.
I was the first one to arrive infront of the building.
It was ten to ten.
I leaned against the wall infront of the building and looked around;
People were hurrying along the streets. Many men in suits. They all looked very groomed and neat, their hair was straight and greased.
Then, there was me; my dark, curly and frizzy hair went down to my shoulders and my dark eyebags which were there because of Deaky calling me today made me look like a panda bear, especially since my skin was quite fair.
My  posture wasn't the greatest either as I was quite tall which I had been insecure about until a few years ago. That made me crouch a little and the result was a little stoop i tried to get rid of.
Then, there was my non existent sense of fashion - or rather, my I-don't-give-a-damn-about-fashion style.

From inbetween a crowd walking towards my direction I recognized Roger and Freddie coming closer.
I smiled subconsciously at the sight of Roger.
I was so happy to see him again.
Like most of the time, he was wearing his prescription sunglasses.
I had to admit that they made him look really badass and cool.
Quite a contrast to his cute and soft face, accompanied by his long blonde hair.

It was already ten by now.
But where was Deaky?

We decided to wait a little longer but John didn't appear.
I sighed.
He must have overslept or something.
And... Oh no! He had the edit!
I hit my hands on my head.
"Deaky's got the edit!" I exclaimed at Freddie and Roger completely upset but they just raised an eyebrow.

"What edit?" Roger wanted to know.
"The three minute edit!"
Freddie gasped.
"You actually made an edit? Oh, no, no, no!" He frowned and shook his head. "We talked about this! We're not gonna do an edit, it's going to stay the way it is!"

"Freddie, he's not going to take a six minute-"
"THEN He will lose four really talented rockstars." He interrupted my sentence and raised his eyebrows staring at me.
I sighed.
"Fine... Let's try to convince him one more time then, I guess..."
I shrugged as I didn't know what to do.
Freddie was being riduculously stubborn and I didn't want to argue with him this time.

The three of us entered the building.
We were ten minutes late already by now.
Freddie knocked on the office's door and then we entered.

Before Featherstone could even say a word, Freddie shouted:
"No edits. Six minutes. Yes or no?"

The man behind the desk stared at Freddie for a moment, then he started laughing.
"Fine! Six minutes it is, then!"

Wait. What?

I looked at him in disbelieve, then my gaze wandered towards Roger who also seemed to be confused.

"I've listened to it a few more times and... I have to say, it is pretty catchy. I've thought about it. Let's just try it."

An immediate grin appeared on our lips as we looked at each other happily.

"Damn, Featherstone, that's a daddy we like!" Roger cheered.

Suddenly we heard a knock on the door.
The door flung open and Deaky jumped in, tearbags down to his cheeks, red eyes and messy hair.
"Sorry, I'm late, I didn't hear my alarm clock but -- I've got the three minute edit!"

Featherstone slowly shook his head whilst looking at Deaky.
"Are you out of your mind? No edits! The song doesn't even make sense if we cut anything out of it!"

Deaky looked at the business man without saying anything but his betrayed and deceived stare said more than a thousand words.

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