12 (August 13th, 1975)

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I opened my eyes. The sun was shining through the window, blinding me. I covered my eyes with an arm and moaned.
I turned to the side.
Suddenly I realised that I had to get up.
We had to record an album after all!
I took a look at the alarm clock next to me - which didn't go off for a reason. I forgot to set it last night.
10:30 a.m.
So it wasn't too late yet.
I got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Afterwards I started to dress myself; I chose my favourite black trousers, a white shirt and a navy blue thin jacket to complete my outfit.
I left the room and went to the kitchen to have a coffee.

Freddie was in the kitchen and with him - Paul. And they were fiddling around. I rolled my eyes.

I pressed my lips together, then I entered, interrupting the situation - on purpose. I raised my hand shortly as to say hello to them, then I went to the coffee machine. Someone had already made coffee so I poured myself a cup and let myself fall into the chair next to Freddie.

"So what are we going to record today?" I asked my band mate and sipped on my black coffee.
"Hmm.." Freddie hummed and put a hand on his chin.
"I've got a nice song there I want to record today. It's called Love of my life."
He smiled. "I wrote it for Mary."

I smiled at him. "That's great! Can I have a look?"
He nodded. "Sure, darling!" Then he handed me a folded piece of paper.
Paul on the other end of the table seemed very unimpressed by Freddie's statement that the song was meant for Mary.
His gaze was dark and annoyed. Not that I cared, by any means.

The song text was beautiful and I couldn't help but think of Roger when I read it..

"Are Rog and Deaky already awake?" I asked looking up from the text.
"Well, Deaky is. He went for a short walk. I haven't seen Roger yet, though. He's probably hung over." Freddie laughed. "Just like I am!"

I chuckled. "Well, then it seems like I have to wake him up. We have to record that beautiful song of yours after all!" I stated. Freddie smiled "Are you in a good mood today, Brian?" He asked and winked at me.
I didn't know what the wink was for but I decided not to give it any attention.
I got up from the chair and jogged up the stairs, leading right into Roger's room.

I entered slowly because I didn't want to wake him up - yet.
I closed the door behind me.
All the memories from last night came back and I felt incredibly happy. My heart was pounding in joy and I couldn't help but smile as I saw my pretty boy asleep in his bed.

I got closer and sat down next to him.
His face was so beautiful; his heavy eyelids, decorated with incredibly long dark lashes, his soft and round face, covered by wild fuzzy blond strings of hair and his beautiful small lips.
I leaned down and gave him a kiss on his forehead, then I stroked over his shoulder and started to shake him gently.

Roger moaned and turned away which made me chuckle.
I felt like a teenage fan girl... But I couldn't help it.
I grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him back towards me. He slowly opened his eyes, frowned and blinked at me.
But as soon as he recognized me he smiled.
"Good morning", he whispered with a raspy voice. "Good morning, Rog.." I smiled and stroked over his hair, blushing a little.

"Did that actually happen last night?" He asked and I nodded, giving him a sweet look.
So he did remember everything.

He sat up and rubbed his head. "Fuck... What a hangover..." he mumbled, then he looked at me again.
"So... what now?"

I didn't expect that question so I looked at him and raised my eyebrows.
"Well..." I started and shrugged. "We.. We could be together, I guess."

Roger chuckled. "You guess" he repeated my words and suddenly he came jumping towards me and pulled me in for a hug.
At first I was a bit overwhelmed but then I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed him as tightly as I could.

I felt incredibly happy. Finally that burden disappeared from my heart and was filled with happiness instead.

The sudden warm feeling on my lips was unexpected but as soon as I realised that Roger was pressing his lips against mine, I returned the gesture and closed my eyes.
He stroked over my cheek with his hand very gently, then he separated his lips from mine, giving me a sweet and calm look.
"That's it, then. I'm taken again." He smirked and winked at me.

I crossed my arms and leaned back a little. "I'm not going to be one of your one night stands or three week girlfriends though." I explained in a serious voice.
Roger laughed and shook his head. "Don't worry, I know that I'm gonna be stuck with you forever."
He smirked.
"That's exactly what I want."

A relieved smile formed on my face and I took his hand. "I'm looking forward to it."

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