Chapter 37

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Today's the day and we see everyone in the court room getting ready for the judge to come out. Peter and his lawyer was sitting down at the front to the left while Claire and her lawyer was at the front to the right and they were discussing with one of their own lawyers. And the court door opened and Daniel and his wife and child step in. Daniel walk towards Peter and his lawyer while his wife and kids went to sit down close at the back of Peter chairs.

"My friend" Daniel said with open arms and Peter looked up and saw Daniel and he stood up and hugged him

"How have you been Dan?" Peter asked and Daniel smiled

"Okay" Daniel said "And I just want you to know that I don't believe you killed Maxwell" Daniel said and Peter just sighed

"I just wish that Claire would believe as well" Peter said

"Claire?  Oh I remember her she's Maxwell daughter. Where is she?" Daniel asked and Peter pointed to the his right and Daniel looked and saw Claire and when he was just about to speak

"Court arise" a person said as the judge step out from a door in the court room. Everyone stood and the judge sat on his sit and said

"Let the case begin" The judge said and everyone sat down.

'Hope the plan is working out for them' Peter thought.

"We're here" Gerald said parking his car where it wouldn't be noticeable by the men at the abandoned Asylum.
     The trio step out of the car and shut the door silently. They walked slowly as they move closer to the building.

"Hold up" Gerald said and they all stopped. Gerald peeked and saw three men not too far from their hiding spot and he got an idea.

"The only way We're gonna go inside is to sneak behind those three men and take their clothes" Gerald explained and Patrick and Issac nodded. They slowly move closer to the three men and snuck behind them covering their mouths with handkerchief which was deep in powder when inhaled can make someone fall unconscious for a long time.

"Let's go" Gerald said and they walked through the gates and inside the compound. They looked around and saw no man around, meaning they must all be inside. So they walked towards the door and Patrick opened it. And they stepped in

"What are the three of you doing inside?" A man asked

'This must be the boss' they thought

"We're tired of standing outside boss. Our feet hurt and there's no way someone is gonna come here" Issac said and the boss thought about it before he nodded

"Okay. I suppose" the boss said and the trio nodded. So they went to sit down. The trio looked around and noticed that they was about four men plus the boss which makes it five. Gerald tapped Issac on his lap and Issac nodded.

"Hey I've got beer here. Anyone wanna drink" Issac said bringing beer out of his bag

"I don't remember you carrying a bag here Vincent" The boss said to Issac looking at him suspiciously

"Well I went home to get it. Sorry I didn't tell you about it boss" Issac said

"Okay. Now hand me a beer" The boss said smiling and Issac hands him while Gerald and Patrick looked at the  five people who was being handed a beer and they both remembered what they put in it.

  Flash back

"You've got it right?" Gerald asked and Issac opened his bag to show ten bottles of beer "What about the drug?" Gerald asked and Patrick smiled and jingled the medicine.

Asylum حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن