Chapter 10

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     When Claire woke up later that day, she yawned and stretch her body and you could hear her bones pop and she sigh feeling relief. She then heard that somebody opened a cell and but it wasn't hers. Standing up she walked towards the door of her cell with her arms stretched out to help her to know whether or not something was at her front. When she felt the cell door, she noticed that it was cold and she shivered. Putting her ear at the small bars located at the top of the cell door, she heard someone talking and it was Samuel " Here's your cell. Hope you'll behave" she heard Samuel tell the other person "I will" she heard the other persons voice and she froze "That voice" she thought shaking " It sounds just like that man own" she thought "Let's have fun little girl" the man voice rang in her head and she screamed "No!!!" And she used her hand to hit the door "NO!No!!" She screamed while hitting the door "Claire what's wrong?" Samuel said as he opened Claire cell door and held her hands together with his hands. Claire shook her head left and right furiously and the wrap used to bound her eyes fell off and her eyes locked with the man, Samuel was talking to. The man looked exactly like the man who killed her parents and brother. The same eye and everything. Even the eye he lost where Claire stabbed him was there. And the man when he saw Claire eyes opened, he grinned at her wickedly and licked his lips remembering Claire of what he did to her "No!!NO" Claire screamed and she fainted.

         As soon as Claire woke up that night, she sat up on her bed and  everything came back to her like a flash of lightening. That man voice and his eye. His grin and the way he licked his lip "God no. Let it just be that I was dreaming" she whispered to her self and it seems God didn't answer her prayer because she heard the man voice again "My my. Little girl you sure have grown big these past 8 years" she heard the man voice from the next cell and it seem the man was close to the door of his cell "I would love to have you right now but this damn cell door won't budge" the man said as he Bang the door of his cell with his hands " But don't worry" the man said laughing and banging the door "One day I'll see that you'll be repayed for my damaged eye" the man said as he laugh like a maniac as he hit the door over and over again causing all the insane people to wake up and start making a noise. Whilst the man said those things and BANG the door, Claire was having a mental break down, she was crying and covering her eyes, rocking back and forth "Its all a dream. Its all a dream. This is not happening" "I killed him. I killed him. He's dead. Its all a nightmare which am gonna wake up any minute now" She said as she slapped her face "Why aren't you waking up. WAKE UP!!" She shouted repeatedly as she slapped herself over and over and over again and then she stopped when she noticed the man stopped banging and stop talking "See it was all a dream. A nightmare" she convinced herself as she laugh lightly "Don't think i'm going anywhere little girl. I'm still here with you" she heard the man said and she froze on the spot and after 10 seconds she screamed "STAY AWAY!!!!!" crying as she rushed to door, not caring if something was in her front and she used her body to hit the door over and over again until she was tired and passes out on the floor with tears rolling from her eyes.

      The next day Claire woke up,she felt very weak and heavy. It was like every piece of her bone was broken. "I see you're awake" she heard a voice say to her and it was Samuel "I found you lying on the floor. What happened?" Samuel waited but Claire didn't answer. Sighing he stood up "I'll leave you on your own" with that said he left the room. Claire cried not because of what happened to herbut because she didn't say what was wrong with. She couldn't bring herself to say anything because she hated her voice. Anytime she tries to say anything her voice comes out as dead. Lifeless. She stopped crying after a while and just lay on her bed thinking nothing. Her mind was blank.
     When night came, Samuel took Claire to her cell and when she was about to enter her cell she heard that man laugh and she started shaking wanting to cry but she regain herself and step into her cell standing with her back to the door and as Samuel locked it, she sat on the floor with her back against it and she stayed like that until someone opened the door and she fell on the floor with her back against the floor.

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