Chapter 29

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   It had been three days that Claire has not seen Patrick and she was worried. Very worried. Many thoughts ran through her mind as she sat in n the Infirmary bed.

  Now, most of you would be wondering why ahead would still be in the doing in the Infirmary. Well, due to some luck on Claire and Patrick side, they had manage to convince Samuel to convince the manager allow Claire stay there until she's ready. At first the manager didn't allow it but since they noticed that the so called manager was a pervert, they gave him something to change his mind. And that's why she here.

   Thoughts were going through Claire mind as she sat there. Thoughts like 'What if something had happen to him' 'Did he travel already?' 'No, he promised to stay with me till I get out of this nut shell'
"Patrick" she said as tears began to fall from her eyes. She lay on the bed with her face on the pillow, soaking the pillow with her tears. When she heard the door open, she looked up and saw Patrick standing there looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

'Why is she crying?' Patrick thought as he backed the door and walked towards Claire

"Claire why are you crying?" Patrick asked and was hugged by Claire who cried into his chest

"Patrick.. I.. I.. thought. Y. Yo. You L. Left. M.. Me" Claire said between sob but Patrick got everything

"Why would you think I would do that? I promised to never leave you until you recover, didn't i? " Patrick said petting Claire who calm down due to the warmth emitting from Patrick

"I know but I was worried" Claire said looking into Patrick eyes and Patrick got lost in those blue eyes *Ba dum Bam dum* his heart beat sounded "Damn" he though.

"Patrick are you listening to me?" Claire called out and Patrick snapped out of his trance

"Sorry. What were you saying?" Patrick said scratching the back of his head sheepishly and Claire just looked at him with a confused face which looked Pretty cute in Patrick eyes and he pinched Claire cheeks

"Your so cute" he said pinching her cheeks making Claire to slap his hand away

"I told you to stop doing that" Claire said pouting and Patrick couldn't take it anymore, he kissed her cheek and hug her

"Cute. So cute" he said hugging Claire who didn't even seem affected that he was hugging the daylight out of her. All she was thinking about was that Patrick just pecked her. 'Its not like she hasn't pecked him on the lip' she blushed at the thought 'But he was the one who pecked me. He pecked me' Claire though with a red face and Patrick noticed

"Ahh Claire I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hug that much. Are you Alright?" Patrick asked touching Claire forehead but Claire didn't answer because she was so deep in thought. She was brought back from her thoughts when she felt like she was being lifted from the floor

"W.. What are you doing?" Claire asked as she wrapped her arms around Patrick neck

"We're going outside"Patrick said grinning at Claire

"But I can't. You know that I can't. I'm not yet used to the outside yet" Claire said with a scared voice

"Hey, what did I say to do when you afraid?"  Patrick asked looking into Claire eyes seriously and Claire couldn't help but blush and look away because Patrick looked more handsome when serious.

"You said to always know that your around me and that you'll be there for me always" Claire said

"True" Patrick laughed "I can't believe you actually remembered the words" Patrick laughed and Claire blushed "You just really love me" Patrick said and Claire blush

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