Chapter 17

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   Claire stood before the shower feeling the hot water pouring against her delicate and skinny body. She washed her body like 30 minutes ago and brushed her teeth also but she didn't go out, it was like the hot water was calling to her and she gently obeyed his calling. She heard the knock on the door and turn of the water "Hey Claire the food's already here and yours is gonna get cold if you don't.. " Patrick stopped mid sentence as the bathroom door was opened and Claire looked up to him and he stared back "Excuse me?" Claire asked and Patrick raised his eyebrow before he gave way for her to step out from the bathroom and backed it. She looked round the room and her eyes landed on the hot plates of breakfast on the floor "I thought you said the food was getting cold?" Claire looked back to Patrick "Yeah but it just arrived and me wanting to get you out of the bathroom, told you other wise" Patrick grinned at her and she just looked at him with  expressionless but inside she was blushing out of embarrassment "So here" Patrick gave her clothes for her to wear. It consisted of his red top and black girl short "Where'd you get this?" Claire asked waving the shorts in his front "Oh that" Patrick blushed "That's just a spare wear I kept for my girlfriend any time she comes here" "Why would you need to keep this.. " "Enough with that. Just put it on" Patrick said turning away from Claire who stared at his back for a sec before processing to put her clothe on.

     "I'm done" Claire said and Patrick turned to look at Claire. He noticed that the shirt was to big for her and the shorts fitted her perfectly. He also noticed that she was less skinny than before. She had a little flesh to her body. "Stop staring" Claire said looking at the floor as she played with her fingers blushing and Patrick found this cute "You look cute that way" Patrick said scratching the back of his head and Claire looked up to him with widen eyes and pink dusted her cheeks and she looked down again. Patrick chuckled at her behavior and shook his head as he walked over to were the food was and sat down "Sit" Patrick said as Claire  walked over and sat down and looked down to the food and saw two turkey laps on two dishes, butter and bread, two cups of tea and finally scrambled eggs.   And they begin to eat starting with the bread, butter and tea.

  "Where's Patrick" Lisa asked noticing that Patrick wasn't coming down for breakfast "Young master has his breakfast taken upstairs to him" a maid answered "Huh why?" "I don't know. But he came to the kitchen with a girl blindfolded" the maid answered again "Blindfolded?" Peter asked "Yes" the maid nodded "Did he tell you the reason for blindfolding the girl and the reason for taking his food upstairs?" Gerald asked while putting a slice of buttered bread in his mouth "Yes he did. He said that he was playing a game with her and the reason for taking his food upstairs, he gave no reason but I think it was because of the girl" "And why do you think so?" Peter questioned closing his eyes as he sipped his tea "It is because he ordered for two plate of every food" the maid said. "You're dismissed" Peter said and the maid bowed and left the dinning room.

  "What has Patrick got with that crazy girl?" Lisa asked looking at her husband "Who knows?  But I don't like her staying in here. He better take her to where she was before this afternoon" Peter said looking at his wife and she understands that he wanted her to tell Patrick that he have to take that girl back to the asylum.
      After eating, Patrick picked up the tray and kept it on the desk "Don't you want to call the maids to take to the kitchen?" "Don't worry,they'll come" Patrick said and as if on time, a maid knocked his door "Young master, are you done with your breakfast?" the maid asked outside the room and Patrick opened the door and handed her the tray and she bowed down and left him and he locked the door "What now?" Claire asked "Claire you need to go back" Patrick said flatly. Patrick had been thinking of a way to tell Claire that she had to go back to the asylum because the police and Samuel have been searching everywhere for her and him keeping her here, wasn't such a good idea "What?" Claire asked confused. Sighing he sat down on the floor and took Claire hand in his "You have to go back to the asylum" Patrick said and Claire eyes widen. The image of that man voice and the darkness lurking around her as her eyes was tied. The feeling of being lonely. "No" she said and hugged Patrick. Patrick lied on his back on the floor due to the hug which he received from Claire and Claire was on top of him crying with her face in his shirt. Patrick sighed and hugged her back "Claire the police are looking everywhere for you and Samuel would be worried like crazy. You have to go back" "No. I don't want to leave you. I like it here. It's nice. It's not dark and you make me feel better. Please i don't want to leave you. Let me stay with you. I promise that I won't go out of this room. Please don't let me go back to that man" she said looking at his widen eyes "Clair" he whispered as his eyes soften "Please Patrick"  Claire pleaded "Claire" Patrick said as he sat up with Claire sitting on his lap while she hugs him like her life depended on it. "please" she whispers "Fine" Patrick sigh in defeat and Claire pulled from his body and looked up to him with surprised eyes "Really?" Claire asked as she use her hands to wipe her eyes and nose "Yeah" Patrick sighed as he nodded. Claire moved her head to his shoulder and whispered a thank you to Patrick ears and rested her head on his shoulder making him blush "Emm o. okay " he said and hugged her back. After a while they broke apart and Claire sat on the bed and Patrick sat on the floor scratching his head "But how are you gonna keep up?  You know I have school to go to tomorrow and next week being our final exams, I would not want to miss my classes" Patrick sighed and continued "My parents are gonna go to work. My brother too and my little sister would also be going to school" Claire took this all in and said "That won't be a problem. You can just leave the door locked and tell the maids not enter your room" Claire said "Yeah that's what I was thinking of" Patrick nodded. "Patrick" Claire and Patrick heard a knock on the door and they looked at the door "Patrick dear" Lisa called out to him while knocking on his door "Claire tie your eyes" Patrick said handing her a blindfold and she nodded and tied her eyes. Surprisingly she wasn't that scared and thought maybe it was because of Patrick?  She heard the door opened and Patrick said "Hey mom" "Mom? His mother" Claire thought sadly as the image of her mom came to her view "Son why is her eyes tied?" Lisa asked looking at Claire "Nothing special mom. So why'd you come to my room?" Patrick said looking at his mom "Right!  You're dad said that you should take her to where she was being held" Lisa said flatly and Claire looked up to her with her eyes tied "What?" Patrick asked "Yeah. You're dad said he doesn't like her staying here and honey to be sincere me neither. She is one of those crazy people" Lisa whispered the last to Patrick "Don't call her that!!" Patrick glared at his mother and she was shocked to see the eyes he was giving her "Don't call her that mom. Do you know what she had pass through for her to be like this!!" Patrick shouted angrily "You will not speak to your mother that way" Lisa shouted back "Then leave my room" Patrick demanded harshly "I'm your mother. You have no right to talk to me that way. Have you no respect?" Lisa scolded "You have no right to talk about people who are held up in an Asylum. Do you know what they had been through to get sent there. If it were me that was locked up in there, would you refer me to one of those crazy people" Patrick replied harshly staring into his mother eyes. He wanted to say more but felt arms wrapped around his torso "Patrick stop it. She's your mother" Claire said to him and Patrick looked back to her and his eyes soften before she looked back to his mother "Sorry mom. I just.. my.. the words just came out" he looked down at his feet. His mother looked at him with soft eyes and put her palm to his cheek and Patrick looked up to his mother who was giving him an understanding smile "I'm sorry too honey. I have no right to talk about them like that. And the way you reacted tells me you care about her, right?" Lisa smiled and Patrick nodded and she smiled "I guess that you ain't planning to let her go just yet" Lisa and Patrick nodded and grinned and he's mom chuckled  and shook her head "I guess I have to convince your father to let her stay for a while" "Please mom?" Patrick pleaded and Lisa sighed and nodded and looked up to him and kissed his cheek and went out of the room "Elk  mom!!!" Patrick whines as his mother closed the door. He sighed and notice that Claire was still attached to him "Claire you can let go now. And take the fold off" Patrick and Claire did What he said, she looked up him furrowing her eyebrow together "Why'd you speak to your mother that way?" She scolded him and he raised his eyebrow "Is this how she thanks someone when they fight for her right" he mentally asked himself  "I was defending you. She talked about your kind as if she knew what happened before you guys was sent there" Patrick replied and sat down at the chair he pulled close to his desk "I know but you shouldn't have talked to her like that" Claire scolded looking at his sitting form and he just rolled his eyes and said "Okay mom" and Claire bumped him on the head and he looked up to her with widen eyes and she saw this "What?" Claire asked "You just bumped me on the head. Does this means we're friends now?" Patrick asked whilst grinning and rocking back and forth. Claire rolled her eyes and Claire looked at him and said "Yes. Patrick looked at her and smiled and gave her a thumbs up. Claire just shook her head and walked to the bed and lay down on it and pulled a pillow to her head "I want to sleep" Claire said and closed her eyes and Patrick nodded as he stood up and pulled the chair along with him and stopped in front of his study desk
"Might as well read. I do have exams next week" Patrick said and opened up his mathematics text book and start studying his equations and problems.

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