Chapter 36

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"Rise and Shine sleepy head" We've got a big day ahead of us. Samuel and Gerald said to Patrick and Claire pulling the blankets from their body

*groans* "Five more minute/good morning Samuel" Patrick and Claire both said as Patrick still lay on the bed and Claire sat up looking out the widow

"Get up. Lazy bones" Gerald said hitting Patrick's head with a pillow making him sit up and hold his head in pain and glare at his brother.

"Breakfast in ten minutes" Gerald said and ran out of the room. Patrick sighed and looked out the widow

"Good morning Claire/good morning Patrick" they whispered and smiled. They got up from their beds and rushed downstairs, but not before brushing their teeth's , and rushed to the dinning room and saw their respective people eating

"Good morning Claire/Good morning Patrick" the respective people said to their respective person.

"Morning" Claire and Patrick said as Claire sat down to eat while Patrick walked to the coffee maker and poured himself a nice hot glass of it before sitting down. After eating, Claire and Patrick went to their respective room to take their bath. And after they were done. Claire put on a red tank top and blue knee high shorts. While Patrick wore black shirt and black trouser. The two step out of their room and came face to face with Samuel and Gerald

"You ready?" Gerald and Samuel asked and they both nodded.

(AN: Okay the above scene is quite simple. It's just like a movie where they showing two people who are destined to meet, what they are doing, at the same time. Hope you understand my beautiful reader)

"Give this to your father when you meet him okay" Lisa said handing Gerald a lunch box and Gerald took it and smiled

"Okay mom" Gerald said "Let's go" Gerald said to Patrick and Patrick nodded

"Love you Mom" Patrick said kissing Lisa cheek "Love you little sis" Patrick said and kissed Tory on her cheeks and chase after Gerald who just walked out of the house

"Love you too" Lisa and Tory said waving. When the boys left, Tory and Lisa looked at each other and smiled. They both looked at the remote and looked at each other and at the same time they rushed towards the remote

"I wanna watch my movie" Lisa and Tory said dragging the remote.

"We're here" Gerald said and he shut down the car and unbuckle his belt. Patrick did the same thing and they both walked out of the Car and shut the door. Gerald pressed his car key button and the car made a *beep beep* showing the doors we're shut. Both brothers walked into the Police station and walked to the registration post and asked for "Peter winters" and the police man showed them the cell of their father.

"Winter you got a visitor" the policeman said unlocking the gate making Peter look up and saw his two sons

"Boys" Peter said standing up and walk to his sons and hugged them each.

"Hey dad, how are you?" Gerald asked

"Fine. Even if I'm here. What's that?" Peter added seeing the lunch box in Patrick

"Oh this. Mom said I should give you. Breakfast" Patrick said and handed the lunch box to Peter, which he took

"Thank God for your mother" Peter said walking towards his bed and sat down. He opened the lunch box and saw spaghetti and meatballs. "Looks delicious" Peter said and began eating with his fork.

"So dad, I guess you already know what's going on?" Patrick asked and Peter nodded

"Then I guess no need of asking you anything" Gerald said

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