Chapters 16

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Birds were chirping as they flew across houses looking for food. The sun shone on the houses. It also shone on our favourite person, Patrick.
The sum shone on his windows directly to his face and he felt it. He stir and he turned and then no longer felt the sun on his face and he went back to sleep.

The other person Lying close to him, was woken up by the sun light on her face. She opened her eyes and she was met by the sun light and she use her palm to block the sun from her face. She turned her attention from her palms to looked at her surrounding. "Has my room always look like this?" She said to herself but she quickly realized that she ran away from there "Where am i?" She mentally asked. She heard snoring and she turn to the sound of it and her eyes widen she saw the persons face. The person was beautiful. With its black hair framing his well sculptured face. It had eyelashes like that of a girl and closing his eyes made it look more beautiful. Its lips were pink and firm. She had been staring and memorized by its good looks that she didn't even know when it opened it's eyes and stared at her. It wave it's hand in font of her eyes, snapping her from her from her trance 'Hi" it said to her making her realize that it was awake and she saw its face. It was a boy. A handsome and pretty looking boy. She looked at his eyes and got lost in them. His eyes looked like an endless black sea. It was truly beautiful "Pretty eyes" she whispered to herself "Hey" the boy said again and waved his hands in her front and she blinked thrice and looked at the boy "Who are you?" She asked "You don't remember me?" the boy said to her and she raised her eyebrow "Oh right. You don't recognize me because your eyes were tied" "At least you remember my voice right?" Claire looked at the boy and shook her head 'no' "Really?  You don't remember the person who always come to your cell every morning and night to give you breakfast and supper?" he asked "Patrick?" She whispered but Patrick heard her and he nodded "Yeah that's me"

   "I didn't expect him to be this pretty" Claire thought while looking at him with a surprised face "What's with the look?" Patrick answered and her eyes widen and she looked down while two dust of pink adorn her cheeks. "You don't have to be shy. I'm your friend remember?" Patrick said making Claire to look up to him with widen eyes and then it soften due to sadness and Patrick noticed it "What's wrong? Am I making you feel uncomfortable?"

"No" Claire answered honestly and he blushed "You know, this is the first time you talked to me and your voice sounds better than before" he said while playing with his fingers and Claire looked at him with a raised eyebrow "What's up with him?" It was  as if Patrick had heard her because he said "I'm freaking you out, aren't I?  Sorry" he said. Claire didn't bother to answer him, she just averted her eyes from him and looked round the room. Again. "We're in my room" Patrick said and got the attention of Claire "What?" Claire asked "You're in my room at my house" Patrick stated again as he stood up from the bed and stretched his body and he sigh with content after he was done. Claire looked at him and noticed he was quite tall. Maybe a 5'6. "How did I get here?" Claire asked "I carried you here. You fell asleep in my arms" Patrick stated and Claire remembered all that happened the night before today. The thing she solely remembered was his heart beat *Bam dum Bam dum* "If its him then his heat beat would be the same" Claire said as she crawled out from the bed, stood on her foot. Patrick looked at her with a raised eyebrow "What are you... " he was caught off when he felt Claire body on his "w.. what" he stuttered as he looked down to Claire. Claire pressed her ears closer to his chest wanting to hear his heart beat at all cost and when she finally did, she felt relieved *Bam dum Bam dum Bam dum Bam dum* she heard it and she pressed her body even closer to his.

"Em Claire?" Patrick called out to Claire and she looked up to him, seeing as she was 4'10 of his height, with her eyes showing relief "What you doing?" Patrick asked and Claire moved away from him "I'm checking if it were you" she stated and sat on the  bed "If it were me that did what?" Patrick asked and  Claire shrug looking at him with an expressionless face making Patrick to sweat drop and his lip twitch "When did she become like this" he mentally asked himself.
     Patrick sighed and sat down on his bed looking and brought his phone from his draw and switched it on. He unlocked his phone and saw six voice messages from his best friend. Three from Bella and the other three from Issac. He played the ones of Bella first

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