Chapters 15

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Patrick heart was beating against his chest rapidly. He was feeling different emotions right now as he looked at the back of Claire running away from him. He was feeling excited, because he found her. He found Claire. He was feeling worried. What would she have gone through all those time in the streets. He was feeling tired. Tired from running but he can't stop. He need not to stop, for if he did. He would lose Claire and lastly he was feeling encouraged to run faster to capture he's friend. He's special friend. Ever since the day he left for the school trip, he couldn't stop thinking about her. He was very worried about how she was doing and what's going on with her? He couldn't stay one day without thinking about her and now he wasn't about to lose the person stealing his thoughts. He wasn't and won't. Patrick ran faster and hug Claire back and they both fell down with Patrick body sliding on the floor. "Let me go" Claire screamed as she struggled in Patrick arms and people looked at them "Let me go" Claire stated as she cried "Claire it's me. Patrick"Patrick stated calmly "No!! Let me go" Claire stated as she use her back to hit Patrick chest making his arms around her loosen and Claire ran into the darkness of the Ally way.

Patrick stood up, switched on her phone touch and walked into the ally looking for Claire "Claire where are you?" Patrick called out to her and Claire shifted her body into the wall and her legs kicked the trash can and it fell on the floor, making Patrick to point at the noise and saw Claire looking at the torch with scared eyes "Claire" Patrick whispered softly as he walked slowly towards her "Stay away" Claire screamed as he saw the mysterious person walking towards her "Claire calm down. It's just me. Patrick" "No!! No!" Claire screamed covering her ears with her palms. Patrick knelt before her, kept his phone in his pocket and hugged Claire "No!" Claire tried pushing him away but he didn't budge "Claire listen to the sound of my heart beat" Patrick whispered in her ears softly "Listen" Patrick shhs Claire making her do as she was told. She listen to the sound of his beat and her tears stop "That's good you're doing great" Patrick reassured her softly. Claire sigh in content "Claire did you know me?" Patrick asked Claire pulling away from her but Claire shook her head and put her ears to his chest and snuggled closer to it making Patrick blush. They stayed there for about 30 minutes until Patrick looked at the time and it showed 8:59. "It's late" Patrick thought. He looked down at Claire and found that she was sleeping whilst smiling in content "Let's take you home" Patrick said as he picked up Claire bridal style and took her home in a cab.

He paid the taxi man and he walked towards the gate of his house and the gate man opened it and he stepped in. He stepped into the house and saw his family look at him before their eyes fell on Claire "Who's that?" Tory asked as Patrick family walked towards him "A friend" Patrick said smiling as he passed his family heading upstairs "Oh no young man. You come back down" Lisa said as she drag Patrick ears and Patrick had to obey, if not he would have to wake up Claire and that would be one hell of a disaster. "Ow mom" Patrick whined "Now tell us, who is the girl in your hands" Lisa said looking at Claire "Oh my she's quite skinny" Lisa gasped "Yeah she is" Gerald said looking at Claire "Big brother is she one of the people in the asylum?" Tory asked making Patrick eyes to widen and realize that Tory was w a patient in there, so of course she would know them "WHAT?" Lisa shouted making Claire to stir but she didn't wake. Instead she snuggled closer to Patrick chest and smiled "Shshsh mom you could wake her up" Patrick softly "You expect me to shush while there's a crazy girl at my house" Lisa exclaimed "Yes?" Patrick asked "O my GOD. Peter you were right when you said we shouldn't let Patrick work at that place. Now look, he's looking after one of them" Lisa said pointing to Patrick "The person you're pointing at ain't even there" "Huh?" Lisa said and looked back to see an the place where Patrick was standing empty "I was done talking to you" Lisa yelled.

Patrick chuckled as he heard he's mother yell , stepping into his room. He backed the door and walked towards the bed and dropped Claire in it. Claire face became in form of a whimper until she felt the softness of the bed against her skin and she smiled contentedly and snuggle closer to it "I think am jealous of the bed" Patrick stated chuckling as he pulled his shirt off and sat on bed looking at Claire. He saw a strand of hair on her face and he put it behind her ears and smiled and he yawned "Guess all that running made me tired" he said as he lay on the bed facing away from Claire, balancing himself on the bed and then he fell asleep.

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