Attacked on Christmas Day

Start from the beginning

Radar sighed as he stepped into the park, finding himself a seat on a bench. His eyes came to rest on Beacontown's Christmas tree, a large spruce tree that grew right in the middle of the park.

Jesse never let anybody cut down a tree for the town, she always said trees didn't deserve to die for one holiday. So a few years back, she had planted that sapling herself. It stood there all year round, and during Christmas time the beacontowners would come together to decorate it.

Radar sighed dreamily, propping his chin in his hand. Jesse was such an amazing leader. He remembered back when he lived in Champion City, Stella didn't allow any Christmas decorations. The only thing that remotely changed during Christmas time was a string of plain white fairy-lights, spun around the town perimeter.

Radar's thoughts began drifting off further and further, until he wasn't even paying attention to his surroundings any more. It really was quite peaceful out there, and he could see why Jesse loved to spend her time there.

Radar felt sad that she wouldn't let him work that day. It wasn't necessarily that he didn't want a day off. Really, he didn't want Jesse to be working on such a special day.

For the past month, she really hasn't been herself. Less cheerful, more quiet, playfulness fading into seriousness. Radar wasn't sure what changed in her life to make her act so differently. Yet, he still wanted to help her. The least he could do was work on Christmas day so she could get a little break for once and spend time with her own friends.

Even if she insisted to still work as well, Radar just wanted to be there to keep her company. She was, after all, his only company. He didn't have many other friends than her... Radar wondered if Jesse considered him as a friend sometimes. Or was he just an intern to her?

Radar's train of thought was very suddenly broken, when something collided with his back so harshly that it completely shoved him off the bench and into the snow.

"Man, you're that weak?" A taunting voice asked as Radar quickly got up from the snow.

"What was that for?" Radar asked the guy in astonishment, brushing the frost down from his jacket. He slowly went still when four more people stepped into few, all of them kind of surrounding him.

"So this is the guy who ended up getting the job?" A woman asked, casually tossing a snowball into the air and catching it again.

"Pathetic, isn't he?" Agreed the guy who had shoved Radar. "Can't believe Jesse hired somebody so worthless."

"T-This is what this is about?" Radar asked, gulping to try and steady the quiver in his voice.

"I heard he's not even a true Beacontowner, he came over from Champion City." Another woman sneered.

"We were all so much more fit for the job." One of the other guys said with an eye roll. "She probably felt sorry for him."

Radar opened his mouth to say something, only to close it again in fear of his voice coming out in a mere whimper or squeak. Every statement felt like a slap to his face.

"Tell me, chap, do you feel proud to be working for the Hero in Residence?" The first guy taunted, stepping up so close to Radar, he could feel the guys breath on face. "Do you think it actually makes you a part of Beacontown?"

"Jesse's just enjoying owning a lap dog like yourself." Snowball girl chimed in. "She'll kick you out again when she gets bored."

"T-That is not t-true!" Radar spoke up, his voice wavering dangerously. "Jesse would n-never-"

"You just keep telling yourself that." One of the other guys cut him off.

Radar gulped thickly, trying to keep himself from showing the fear he certainly felt. His heart was hammering about inside his chest like a ping-pong ball that had been hit too hard. So desperately hoping that the burning he felt in his eyes, wasn't actually visible.

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