Chapter 16

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*Chapter 16*


"Hey I'm just saying but you should put on something decent. Do you still have clothes to change into in your car?" Zaron pointed out.

"Why? I'm not wearing anything naughty today," I frowned and looked down to what I was wearing. It was just a pink super distressed pair of jeans and a green Minnie Mouse sweater.

He sighed and shook his head with a smile on his face. "Whatever, let's just leave."

"We're driving with your car, right?" I grinned and opened the door after putting on my chucks.

"Yes, we are," he nodded. I hid away my smile and silently cheered. "You really love it, don't you?" He said once he was busy putting the seat belt on.

"Maybe I do," I shrugged and got in his black Jeep. It's so big and nice. "Maybe we should have sex in here," I quietly mumbled. It was actually not for him to hear, but he did anyway which is why he shot me a brief 'don't-joke-with-me' glare. "It is tempting though," I seriously considered.

He rolled his eyes before starting the engine.

We arrived way faster than I imagined and got out the car where we stood in front of a bright and neat looking house. "Is this where your parents live?" I wanted to make sure.

"Yeah. Seems like I haven't been here for a while now," he sighed. Then he suddenly turned to me and caught my attention. "Promise me not to touch anything and please behave yourself," he assured.

Though I huffed, crossing my arms and turned away. "I always do."

"Quentin!" He glared at me with demanding and warning gaze.

"Yeah, I got it. Relax," I subsided and took a step forward to ring the bell. It was like someone was already waiting behind the door since that someone opened up almost seconds after I rung the bell. And it was no one else but Henry whose face was the first thing I saw.

He widened his eyes at my appearance before his eyes shifted to Zaron. "What the hell, you brought that moron with you?"

"Who're you calling moron?" I pouted. Zaron didn't even respond and just pushed his way through the door. I copied his action, just that I stopped when I was directly standing next to him to give him a hug where I also added a kiss on his cheeks. "Nice to see you, Henry," I grinned.

"Gross, get away from me," he tried to push me off. But that was not necessary since I was quickly yanked away by Zaron who had a furious expression.

I shield myself and begged. "Please don't hit me. He was just so cute, I couldn't just not do it." It may have been a lame excuse but it was the truth.

When he was about to say something, an unknown girl together with an older woman walked in us and abruptly changed the atmosphere as they where laughing about something they had been talking about before. Their conversation immediately quiet down once they noticed us staring at them.

"Zaron," The girl grinned and gave him a brief hug while the older woman was more hysteric and locked him in a tight embrace before letting him go.

"You have matured, honey," she smiled. "How have you been doing? You should come and visit more frequently, you know?"

"It's not like anything major happened," he answered.

"Liar!" Henry shot from the back. "You met that disgusting idiot," he added with a red face from earlier.

And that is how they paid some attention to me. "Oh is it that guy you mentioned to me before?" The younger woman questioned, approaching me as she was inspecting me like I was abnormal. She resembled Zaron a lot. Same hair color, same eyes and same lips. Only a different face shape. And obviously more feminine.

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